Change Log

Version rv13.c - Released Wednesday, September 18th 2013 2.41PM -05:00

  1. Added option to disable villager trading.
  2. Fixed particle rendering glitch with TPlanes and Quantum network bridges.
  3. Performance improvements in creative cell.
  4. Fixed bug with storage bus and "Configure by contents"
  5. Creative Cell now "stores" the items it is partitioned too as well.
  6. Fixed an issue with storage buses reporting possible destinations when formated.
  7. Moved a method to subclasses to fix a re-obfuscation bug ( Fix for MyTown compat )
  8. 1.6.2 Only - AE now registers its full cubes as sealed in Galacticraft.
  9. Transition Planes can no longer break air blocks.
  10. Added a Transition Plane blacklist to the config.
  11. New API IOrientableTile
  12. Better Storage Proxy now looks for lowercase modid instead of with capitals.
  13. Added a new ITileCable to lt other mods create cables that blend with with AE's internal cables.
  14. 1.6.2 Only - Fixed issue with IC2 LF machines.

Version rv13.b - Released Sunday, September 1st 2013 2.55PM -05:00

  1. Improved LP integration in terminal display.
  2. AE can now request items from LP if they show up in LP later.
  3. AE now ignores ISpecial for extracting items ( still uses special inter behavior. )
  4. Removed Special BC pipe code, uses standard API for 1.5.2 now. ( yes I know that items don't show up in the first pipe )
  5. Fixed Wrench behavior with some blocks.
  6. Fixed some weird coloration on red terminals.
  7. 1.6.2 - Missing Languages
  8. 1.6.2 - Improved API Packaging
  9. Increased NBT Storage in packets for terminal.
  10. Crafting slot in Crafting Terminal no longe registers a double click as a third click.
  11. Tweaked Storage Monitor Renderer.
  12. Bunch of minor visual tweaks.
  13. Relaxed Forge Requirements for 1.5.X
  14. Fixed a crash caused by ISided returning null for accessible sides.

Version rv13.a - Released Tuesday, August 27th 2013 10.45PM -05:00

  1. Interfaces now dump items for crafting patterns in "Sets" rather then dumping all of the first item, and then the next.
  2. Terminals now appear 'fluix colored' when set down instead of blue.
  3. Crafting Terminals now appear 'fluix colored' when set down instead of blue.
  4. Crafting Monitors now appear 'fluix colored' when set down instead of blue.
  5. Storage Monitors now appear 'fluix colored' when set down instead of blue.
  6. Fixed Bug with Trapped Chests and Double Chests being considered part of the same "Double Chest"
  7. Added ME Creative Cell - contains an infinite amount of items that have been partitioned on to it.
  8. Improved network utilization when a network is having power issues.
  9. Performance Improvements when modifying large networks.
  10. Rewrote Util Api, to be more expandable in the future.
  11. Added Memory Card API
  12. Added ME Bus Memory Card that can save, and restore settings.
  13. 1.6.2 Only - AE will no longer ship with any External API's
  14. 1.6.2 Only - Export Bus and Storage Bus can now interact with pipes again.
  15. The Partition Editor can now configure Comparison modes for Storage Cells
  16. The Fuzzy Storage Buss can now have its Comparison mode changed.
  17. The Interface can now opt-out of crafting when exporting.
  18. The Interface can now be configured into a blocking mode.
  19. Fixed bug with recursive network inclusion.
  20. Fixed bug with storage bus settings and network inclusion.
  21. Storage Monitor can now display up to 999B.
  22. Terminal Slots can now display up to 999B.
  23. Terminal Tool tips can now show up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
  24. Terminal now supports RegEx
  25. Added Setting on terminal screen to control cursor/focus behavior.
  26. Added NEI Sync Setting for terminal search box.
  27. Fixed Dark Cable rendering.
  28. 1.6.2 Only - Added Storage Bus Compatibility for new FZ Barrels.
  29. AE now black lists its blocks from portal gun and gravity gun.
  30. AE Controller GUI now has a scroll bar.
  31. AE Controller GUI now render items with basic 'lit' appearance so they look less flat .
  32. Controller now shows tooltips for Items in the GUI.
  33. Can now configure Allowed vs Rejected items on Partition Editor, and Storage Bus.
  34. If identical recipes are placed in separate interfaces AE will rollover/load bance the processing, useful with #18
  35. Fixed a bug where storage cells could be stored in them selves ( again ).
  36. You can now select what power units display in the controller.
  37. Crafting Monitor now reports data responsively and uses less bandwidth.
  38. Power Display on the the controller now reports network usage ( + subnetwork usage ).
  39. Power Display now reports "IDLE" usage when offline.
  40. Fixed issue with no power usage when drawing power from LP.
  41. Facades - Support for colored facades. ( RC Glass )
  42. Matter cannon now works on Ender dragon and End Crystals.
  43. Fixed an issue where Power Relays can register multiple times on a single network.
  44. Upgraded Version checker to support channels, and report updates for dev builds.
  45. Added an option to disable conversion matrices on Storage Monitors
  46. Black List API now supports black listing an entire ItemID ( API )
  47. Partition Editor now functions on all storage cells, not just Basic Cells. ( API )
  48. Fixed bug with Import buses not skipping items it can't store, and continuing.
  49. Re-did the rendering of storage monitors items.
  50. Fixed crash when Grindstone crank is moved, or destroyed and he renderer isn't cleaned up.
  51. Entropy Accelerator now drains power again ( whoops? )
  52. Vastly improved bandwidth usage for terminal new version uses about 40% the bandwidth for large payloads, also faster.
  53. Partition Editor no longer forces cursor focus into text box.
  54. Redstone dust can no longer be placed on dark cable.
  55. Fixed a bug with Rendering of Dark Cables and colored variants.
  56. Fixed a distance bug with the matter cannon when shooting mobs.
  57. Removed White listing on transition planes, leaving only the black list.
  58. Cables / Buses / Terminals in Inventory now appear as Fluix Colored.
  59. 1.6.2 - Added support for IC2-Experimental.
  60. Added BlackList API to IMEInventoryHandler
  61. Fixed bug with Dark cable and Power Relays.
  62. Fixed an issue with Storage Buses and terminals desynchronizing on some storages.
  63. Re-did storage monitor syncing.
  64. Added Storage Monitor API.
  65. Text changes for tooltips for Level Emitter.
  66. AE Now detects changes in item / block ID during construction.
  67. Fixed bug with Storage Bus extracting items against ISided Rules. ( rc8 )
  68. Storage Bus Now hides items from its reported inventory if they are not extractable. ( rc8 )
  69. Fixed a synchronization issues in pattern encoder.
  70. Items forced out of the interface for crafting now go the correct direction in pipes.
  71. Performance increases for MAC, when refreshing network, and when using it as an inventory, such as a storage bus.
  72. Fixed a potential crash in crafting system.

Version rv12.b - Released Thursday, August 8th 2013 11.27AM -05:00

  1. 1.6.2 Only - Fixed NEI Plugin to work with new NEI Builds ( if you get a crash please update NEI )
  2. 1.6.2 Only - Two Stage ID Loading is back.
  3. 1.6.2 Only - Fixed bug with facades not dropping.
  4. Fixed a bug with IC2 Painter integration
  5. Fixed issue with Tiny TNT not disabling.
  6. Crafting monitor should now properly report missing materials again.
  7. Removed Logging from villagers.
  8. Fixed a bug with IMCs.
  9. Fixed bug with Matter cannon knock back.

Version rv12.a - Released Friday, August 2nd 2013 7.51PM -05:00

  1. Added Ender Pearl Dust ( OreDictionary compatible dustEnderPearl )
  2. Ender Pearl Dust can be made in Crusher / Pulveriser / Macerator / and Grindstone.
  3. Added Quantum Entangled Singularities (QE-Singularities)
  4. Added Quantum Link Chamber
  5. Added Quantum Field Ring
  6. Can now create QE-Singularities by exploding Singularities with Ender Pearl Dust
  7. Fix issue with some items not being removed from ME Terminal.
  8. Fixed Quartz / Dust that spawns in minecraft chests.
  9. TPlane's now save their buffer in NBT Data
  10. TPlane now white lists, spawners, silver fish, ice, leafs, and tall grass by default.
  11. Added Quantum Network Bridge Multiblock Placing QE Entangled Singularities in two bridges will result in a network connection as long as both sides remain powered and active.
  12. Fixed a rendering glitch in some GUIs with certain mod items.
  13. Added Quartz Glass
  14. Added Config option enableTPlane
  15. Added Config option enableMAC
  16. Added Config option enableQNB
  17. Added Config option enableImportBus
  18. Added Config option enableExportBus
  19. Added Config option enableStorageBus
  20. Added Config option enableCrafting
  21. Added Config option enableWirelessAccess
  22. Added Config option enableLevelEmitter
  23. Added Config option enableStorageMonitor
  24. Added Config option enableCraftingTerm
  25. Added IMC add-grindable ( for modders )
  26. Added IMC blacklist-cell ( for modders )
  27. Added IMC blacklist-transitionplane ( for modders )
  28. Added IMC whitelist-transitionplane ( for modders )
  29. Added Logging option to help find the cause of Concurrent Modification Exceptions.
  30. Fixed Crash with breaking a block as its GUI is opening.
  31. Fixed bug with Storage Buses Filters and Intefaces
  32. Fixed some obscure/obtuse MAC formation bugs.
  33. Storage buses can now be configured to be Read/Write/Read and Write
  34. Fixed a few bugs involving storage buses and their settings.
  35. Added Tiny TNT ( can disable block damage in the config, can also disable block by setting blockid to -1 )
  36. Added Config enableTinyTNTBlockDamage
  37. Fixed issue with localization of "Linked" and "Unlinked"
  38. Fixed Crash caused by Items in ME Chests not being Storage Cells.
  39. Quantum Network Bridges are inventories, and can be automated.
  40. Fixed a bug that would allow network access after a block loses connection.
  41. Tiny TNT now is 'extinguished' by water.
  42. Added Vibrant Quartz Glass.
  43. Fixed bug with Bees and import buses
  44. Fuzzy Buses now ignore special handlers ( Bees Comparisons ) when set to "Ignore Damage" mode
  45. Tweaked display on Crafting Monitors to hopefully improve displayed results
  46. Fixed an issue with condenser not condensing when items are extracted.
  47. Fixed an issue with power usage from armor when power is disabled.
  48. Fixed a bug that would cause extra materials to be crafted during a complex crafting job.
  49. Fixed issue with AE items draining power with power disabled.
  50. Fixed some text issues.
  51. Network and performance optimizations related to large networks and network resets.
  52. Storage Monitors now correctly switch to Billion Display when a billion is surpassed.
  53. Added protection against rare crashes in other mods.
  54. Interfaces now check if an item can be crafted before requesting it to be crafted.
  55. 1.6.2 Only - Reenabled UE support
  56. 1.6.2 Only - Updated Buildcraft API ( fixes crash in rv11.e )
  57. 1.6.2 Only - Export Buses / Storage Buses no longer work with BC Pipes. ( hopefully temporary. )
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Certus Quartz Ore
Unmined certus quartz
Certus Quartz Crystal
Quartz crystal with qualtiies that allow it to store energy.
Certus Quartz Dust
Ground Certus Quartz Crystal
Quartz Grind Stone
Block which when used with a crank, can grind many ores and crystals into dusts.
ME Basic Processor
Crafting ingredient for a large amount of ME Technology.
ME Advanced Processor
Crafting ingredient for a some ME Technology.
Vibration Catalyst
Vibrates the molecules in the targeted block causing it to go though a process similar to smelting.
Entropy Accelerator
Accelerates the ageing and cools of a single block in the world.
ME Wireless Access Terminal
Wireless access terminal for use with wireless access points.
Matter Cannon
A small hand held device which is capable of shooting small nuggets of matter
Quantum Field Ring
Outer blocks of a quantum network bridge, take power and propagate network signal to and from the bridge
Quantum Entangled Singularity
A pair of items which are used to establish a connection between network bridges.
ME Pattern Provider
A part of the MAC multi-block that stored encoded patterns.
ME Crafting CPU
Crafting CPU for use in the MAC Multiblock
ME Heat Vent
Forms the outside walls of the MAC Multiblock
ME Assembler Containment Wall
Containment wall which forms the outside frame of the MAC Multiblock
ME Controller
The controller is the heart of any ME Network, it also accepts power for the network.
ME Drive
Drive which can store up to 10 Storage Cells, and provides their inventory to the network
ME Chest
A simple single storage cell machine which gives direct access to the contents of a single cell, and provides the cells inventory to the network.
ME Access Terminal
Gives full access to the entire content of an ME Network
ME Crafting Terminal
Terminal which also functions as a Crafting table.
ME Crafting Monitor
Displays information about active crafting jobs, and lets you cancel jobs.
ME Cable
Uncolored cable that can connect ME Devices.
ME Import Bus
Imports items into the network, by removing them from the connected inventories
ME Export Bus
Exprots items out of the network, by placing them into connected inventories
ME Level Emitter
Outputs redstone signals depending on the number of a configured item in the network.
ME Storage Bus
Includes an external inventory such as a chest, into the networks storage.
ME Interface
Acts like a small inventory that can import and export to the network, also used in the crafting process.
ME IO Port
Can load and unload storage cells into and out of the network connected.
ME Wireless Access Point
Provides a range of wireless access at the point where the item is placed.
ME Dark Cable
Toggleable cable which can be used to segment your network into diffrent segments to alter functionality or reduce power drain.
ME Storage Monitor
Can be configured to display the number of a specific item that are stored in the network; can also be upgraded to insert / remove that item.
ME Power Relay
Block which accepts power and relays it to attached networks
ME Transition Plane
Surface which converts anything that touches it into energy form
P2P Tunnel
Point 2 Point Tunnel which can be configured to route items/power/liquids from one point to another in a network.
Spatial Pylon
A Marker used to mark a region of space for capture or deploy ment
ME Spatial IO Port
An IO Port used to capture / deploy regions of space defined by pylons.
ME Pattern Encoder
Used to convert blank patterns, into encoded patterns.
ME Partition Editor
Configure Storage cells to hold diffrent types of items and change how your system stores items.
ME Condenser
Condenses items and blocks into raw energy which can be dispersed or converted into a few select items
ME Bus Memory Card
Memory card that can be used to store, and transfer settings