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Feature: #1135 - Various Inconsistancies

Type: Admin
Joined: 12/31/2012
Tracker ID:#1135
I really have no solutions for these, but I figured I would post my observations. 1. What machines accept third party power; a. Inscriber b. Controller c. Energy Acceptor d. ME Chest e. Charger What Doesn't a. Growth Accelerator b. Molecular Assembler. This seems odd? 2. What items can accept third party power; Everything except energy cells. 3. Annihilation Plane - Buffer, nothing else in AE2 has a buffer, but the annihilation plane does. 4. Channel cost is not visible on the network tool. 5. ME Chests, Security Terminals, and Drives Connect to cables on faces that you wouldn't expect. 6. Can't charge pure quartz, kinda a sore spot since you have to roll back to raw crystals to do this. 7. Can't put wrenches on Storage/Conversion Monitors
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