Interface PickupStrategy

@Experimental public interface PickupStrategy
Pickup strategies are used to pick up various types of game objects from within the world and convert them into a subtype of AEKey.

This is used by the annihilation plane to pick up in-world fluids, blocks or item entities.

  • Method Details

    • reset

      void reset()
      Resets any lock-out caused by throttling of the pickup strategy. It is called at least once per tick by the annihilation plane to allow the strategy to reset its lockout timer.
    • canPickUpEntity

      boolean canPickUpEntity( entity)
      Tests if this strategy can pick up the given entity.
    • pickUpEntity

      boolean pickUpEntity(IEnergySource energySource, PickupSink sink, entity)
      Pick up a given entity and place the result into the given pickup sink. Returns true if the entity was picked up successfully. The strategy has to handle removal or modification of the entity itself.
    • tryPickup

      PickupStrategy.Result tryPickup(IEnergySource energySource, PickupSink sink)
    • register

      static void register(AEKeyType type, PickupStrategy.Factory factory)