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a() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
ABSENT - Enum constant in enum class
No cell at all
acceptsPlans() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICraftingMachine
check if the crafting machine is accepting pushes via pushPattern, if this is false, all calls to push will fail, you can try inserting into the inventory instead.
ACCESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
AccessRestriction - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
Actionable - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
ActionItems - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
add(double) - Method in interface
Add a specific threshold to watch.
add(IBlockEntityMoveStrategy) - Static method in class appeng.api.movable.BlockEntityMoveStrategies
Adds a custom strategy for moving certain block entities.
add(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IStackWatcher
Add a specific AEKey to watch.
add(AEKey, long) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
add(ItemLike, ItemLike, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Same as Upgrades.add(ItemLike, ItemLike, int, String), but without a tooltip group.
add(ItemLike, ItemLike, int, String) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Associates an upgrade card item with an upgradable object and registers the maximum number of this upgrade that the upgradable object supports.
addAdditionalDrops(List<ItemStack>, boolean) - Method in interface
Add additional drops to the drop list (the contents of the part, but not the part itself).
addAll(KeyCounter) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
addBaseBlockEntity(Class<? extends BlockEntity>, Class<? extends Block>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.BaseClassRegistration
Adds AE2s tooltip providers for the following interfaces to a given block entity/block and their subclasses.
addBlockEntityBody(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, BodyProvider<? super T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityBody(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, BodyProvider<? super T>, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityData(ResourceLocation, Class<T>, ServerDataProvider<? super T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.CommonRegistration
addBlockEntityIcon(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, IconProvider<? super T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityIcon(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, IconProvider<? super T>, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityModName(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, ModNameProvider<? super T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityModName(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, ModNameProvider<? super T>, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityName(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, NameProvider<? super T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBlockEntityName(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>, ResourceLocation, NameProvider<? super T>, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.ClientRegistration
addBody(Class<T>, BodyProvider<? super T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addBody(Class<T>, BodyProvider<? super T>, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addBox(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in interface
add a collision box, expects 0.0 - 16.0 block coords.
addCellGuiHandler(ICellGuiHandler) - Static method in class
Register a new handler
addCellHandler(ICellHandler) - Static method in class
Register a new handler.
addCellInformationToTooltip(ItemStack, List<Component>) - Method in interface
Convenient helper to append useful tooltip information.
addDrops(long, List<ItemStack>, Level, BlockPos) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
addDrops(long, List<ItemStack>, Level, BlockPos) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
addDrops(long, List<ItemStack>, Level, BlockPos) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Adds the drops if the container holding this key is broken, such as an interface holding stacks.
addEntityCrashInfo(CrashReportCategory) - Method in interface
This will be used by the core to add information about this part to a crash report if it is attached to a host that caused a crash during tick processing.
addEventHandler(Class<T>, BiConsumer<IGrid, T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Listens to events that are emitted per IGrid.
addFacade(IFacadePart) - Method in interface
Attempts to add the IFacadePart to the given side.
addGlobalStorageProvider(IStorageProvider) - Method in interface
Adds a IStorageProvider that is not associated with a specific IGridNode.
addGridServiceEventHandler(Class<T>, Class<C>, BiConsumer<C, T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Forwards grid-wide events to the IGridService attached to that particular IGrid.
addHostType(BlockEntityType<T>) - Method in class
Adds a new type of block entity that will participate in forwarding API lookups to its attached parts.
addIcon(Class<T>, IconProvider<? super T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addIcon(Class<T>, IconProvider<? super T>, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addInput(AEKey, long) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addInput(GenericStack) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addInputsAndOutputs(IPatternDetails) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addItems(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
Attempts to insert as much of the given item into this inventory as possible.
addItems(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
Attempts to insert as much of the given item into this inventory as possible.
addItems(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
Attempts to insert as much of the given item into this inventory as possible.
addItems(ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
Attempts to insert as much of the given item into this inventory as possible.
addLine(Component) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipBuilder
addLine(Component, ResourceLocation) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipBuilder
addName(Class<T>, NameProvider<? super T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addName(Class<T>, NameProvider<? super T>, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addNode(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
addNode(IGridNode, CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Informs the grid service about a node that was added to the grid.
addNodeOwnerEventHandler(Class<T>, Class<C>, BiConsumer<C, T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Forwards grid-wide events to any node owner of a given type currently connected to that particular IGrid.
addNodeOwnerEventHandler(Class<T>, Class<C>, Consumer<C>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Convenience variant of GridHelper.addNodeOwnerEventHandler(Class, Class, BiConsumer) where the event handler doesn't care about the actual event object.
addOutput(AEKey, long) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addOutput(GenericStack) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addPart(IPartItem<T>, Direction, Player) - Method in interface
Add a new part to the specified side, returns false if it failed to be added.
addPartDrop(List<ItemStack>, boolean) - Method in interface
Add the stack of the part itself to the drop list.
addPartHost(Class<T>, Class<? extends Block>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.BaseClassRegistration
Adds AE2s part tooltip providers for third party IPartHost implementations.
addProperty(Component) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addProperty(Component, Component) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
addServerData(Class<T>, ServerDataProvider<? super T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addServerData(Class<T>, ServerDataProvider<? super T>, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.PartTooltips
addService(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
addToWorld() - Method in interface
called when your part is being added to the world.
ADVANCED_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
AE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
AEAxisAlignedBB - Class in appeng.api.util
Mutable stand in for Axis Aligned BB, this was used to prevent GC Thrashing..
AEAxisAlignedBB(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
AEBlockIds - Class in appeng.api.ids
Contains Block ids for various blocks defined by Ae2.
AEBlockIds() - Constructor for class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
AECableSize - Enum Class in appeng.api.util
AECableType - Enum Class in appeng.api.util
AECableVariant - Enum Class in appeng.api.util
AECapabilities - Class in appeng.api
Utility class that holds the capabilities provided by AE2.
AEColor - Enum Class in appeng.api.util
List of all colors supported by AE, their names, and various colors for display.
AEComponents - Class in appeng.api.ids
AEConstants - Class in appeng.api.ids
Contains various global constants
AEConstants() - Constructor for class appeng.api.ids.AEConstants
AECreativeTabIds - Class in appeng.api.ids
IDs of the AE2 creative tabs.
AEFluidKey - Class in appeng.api.stacks
AEItemIds - Class in appeng.api.ids
Contains Item ids for various items defined by Ae2.
AEItemIds() - Constructor for class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
AEItemKey - Class in appeng.api.stacks
AEKey - Class in appeng.api.stacks
Uniquely identifies something that "stacks" within an ME inventory.
AEKey() - Constructor for class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
AEKeyFilter - Interface in
AEKeyRenderHandler<T> - Interface in appeng.api.client
Client-side rendering of AE stacks.
AEKeyRendering - Class in appeng.api.client
Registry for AEKeyRenderHandler.
AEKeyRendering() - Constructor for class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
AEKeySlotFilter - Interface in
AEKeyType - Class in appeng.api.stacks
Defines the properties of a specific subclass of AEKey.
AEKeyType(ResourceLocation, Class<? extends AEKey>, Component) - Constructor for class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
AEKeyTypes - Class in appeng.api.stacks
AE2's registry of all known key types.
AEPartIds - Class in appeng.api.ids
Contains Item ids for various cable bus parts defined by AE2.
AEPartIds() - Constructor for class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
AETags - Class in appeng.api.ids
Tags that AE uses for functional purposes.
AEToolActions - Class in appeng.api.features
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Check for the standard #forge:tools/wrench tag instead.
alertDevice(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.ticking.ITickManager
immediately sets the node to tick, only valid if your node is marked as "Alertable" in its TickingRequest Sleeping Devices Still Alertable, when your grid node is alerted its new status is determined by the result of its tick.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ShowPatternProviders
Show all pattern providers.
ALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ViewItems
allowsPlayerRotation() - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
allowsPlayerRotation() - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
Indicates that this orientation can be changed by the player (i.e.
amount() - Method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Returns the value of the amount record component.
AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SortOrder
AMOUNT_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
AMOUNT_BUCKET - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
AMOUNT_FIELD - Static variable in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
AmountFormat - Enum Class in appeng.api.stacks
animateTick(Level, BlockPos, RandomSource) - Method in interface
same as Block.animateTick, for but parts.
ANNIHILATION_CORE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ANNIHILATION_PLANE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
ANNIHILATION_PLANE_BLOCK_BLACKLIST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Contains blocks that are blacklisted from being picked up by an item annihilation plane.
ANNIHILATION_PLANE_FLUID_BLACKLIST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Contains items that are blacklisted from being picked up by a fluid annihilation plane.
ANNIHILATION_PLANE_ITEM_BLACKLIST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Contains items that are blacklisted from being picked up by an item annihilation plane.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CpuSelectionMode
Use for all types of auto-crafting requests.
appeng.api - package appeng.api
appeng.api.behaviors - package appeng.api.behaviors
Classes to allow addons to define behavior of AE2's own devices when they have to interact with custom key types.
appeng.api.client - package appeng.api.client
appeng.api.config - package appeng.api.config
appeng.api.crafting - package appeng.api.crafting
appeng.api.features - package appeng.api.features
appeng.api.ids - package appeng.api.ids
appeng.api.implementations - package appeng.api.implementations
appeng.api.implementations.blockentities - package appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
appeng.api.implementations.items - package appeng.api.implementations.items
appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects - package appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects
appeng.api.implementations.menus - package appeng.api.implementations.menus - package
appeng.api.integrations.emi - package appeng.api.integrations.emi
appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip - package appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers - package appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
appeng.api.integrations.rei - package appeng.api.integrations.rei
appeng.api.inventories - package appeng.api.inventories
appeng.api.movable - package appeng.api.movable
appeng.api.networking - package appeng.api.networking
appeng.api.networking.crafting - package appeng.api.networking.crafting - package - package - package
appeng.api.networking.pathing - package appeng.api.networking.pathing - package
appeng.api.networking.spatial - package appeng.api.networking.spatial - package
appeng.api.networking.ticking - package appeng.api.networking.ticking
appeng.api.orientation - package appeng.api.orientation - package
appeng.api.stacks - package appeng.api.stacks - package - package
appeng.api.upgrades - package appeng.api.upgrades
appeng.api.util - package appeng.api.util
applyTurn() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICrankable
The crank has completed one turn on the given side.
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SortDir
AUTO_EXPORT - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings


b() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
BACK - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
BaseClassRegistration - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
Allows add-ons to notify AE2 of their BlockEntity classes that do derive from AE2 block entity classes.
BaseInternalInventory - Class in appeng.api.inventories
Implementation aid for InternalInventory that ensures the platorm adapter maintains its referential equality over time.
BaseInternalInventory() - Constructor for class appeng.api.inventories.BaseInternalInventory
BASIC_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
beginBatch() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Start a new change notifications batch, deferring change notifications.
beginCraftingCalculation(Level, ICraftingSimulationRequester, AEKey, long, CalculationStrategy) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Begin calculating a crafting job.
beginMove(BlockEntity, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.movable.DefaultBlockEntityMoveStrategy
beginMove(BlockEntity, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.movable.IBlockEntityMoveStrategy
Called to begin moving a block entity.
beginVisit(IGridVisitor) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
lets you walk the grid stating at the current node using a IGridVisitor, generally not needed, please use only if required.
BLACK - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
BLACKLIST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.IncludeExclude
blackVariant - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Darkest Variant of the color, nearly black; as a RGB HEX Integer
BLANK_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
BlockEntityMoveStrategies - Class in appeng.api.movable
To blacklist blocks or block entities from being moved in and out of spatial storage, see the blacklist tag for blocks.
BlockEntityMoveStrategies() - Constructor for class appeng.api.movable.BlockEntityMoveStrategies
BLOCKING_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
BlockOrientation - Enum Class in appeng.api.orientation
All possible rotations for a fully orientable block.
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
BodyProvider<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
BOOTING - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.NetworkEmitterMode
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
bottom1() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the bottom1 record component.
bottom2() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the bottom2 record component.
bottom3() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the bottom3 record component.
bottom4() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the bottom4 record component.
breakPoint - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
BROWN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
build() - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.EncodedPatternItemBuilder
Builds the pattern item and returns it.
build() - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManagerBuilder
builder(IConfigManagerListener) - Static method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
builder(Runnable) - Static method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
builder(Supplier<ItemStack>) - Static method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Get a builder for configuration manager that stores its settings in a block entity.
builder(ItemStack) - Static method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Get a builder for configuration manager that stores its settings in a block entity.
buildTooltip(T, TooltipContext, TooltipBuilder) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers.BodyProvider
BusSupport - Enum Class in
busy() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns the value of the busy record component.
byId(ResourceLocation) - Static method in interface
Retrieve a part item by its id.
byNetworkId(int) - Static method in interface
Retrieve a part item by its id.
bytes() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
Total bytes used by the job.


CABLE - Enum constant in enum class
CABLE_ANCHOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CABLE_COVERED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_COVERED_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_COVERED_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_DENSE_SMART_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_GLASS_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_SMART_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CABLE_VIEW - Enum constant in enum class
CableRenderMode - Enum Class in
calculateBreakPoint(int) - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
CALCULATION_PROCESSOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CALCULATION_PROCESSOR_PRESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CALCULATION_PROCESSOR_PRINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CalculationStrategy - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking.crafting
canAddFacade(IFacadePart) - Method in interface
Checks if the IFacadePart can be added to the given side.
canAddPart(ItemStack, Direction) - Method in interface
Test if you can add a part to the specified side of the Part Host.
canBePlacedOn(BusSupport) - Method in interface
Used to determine which parts can be placed on what cables.
cancel() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
cancels the job.
cancelJob() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
Cancels the current job.
canConnectRedstone() - Method in interface
canEmitFor(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
canExtract() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
canFitInsideCell() - Method in interface
Return whether the cell should be storable in other kinds of cells.
canHandle(BlockEntityType<?>) - Method in interface appeng.api.movable.IBlockEntityMoveStrategy
Tests if this strategy is capable of moving the given block entity type.
canInsert() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
canInsert(AEItemKey, long) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
canLink(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IGridLinkableHandler
Tests if the given item stack supports being linked with a wireless access point.
CANNOT_CARRY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
cannot carry channels over this node.
CANNOT_CARRY_COMPRESSED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
This is used for the outer node of ME-P2P tunnels, which provides the 32-channel connection at both ends of the tunnel.
canPickUpEntity(Entity) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy
Tests if this strategy can pick up the given entity.
canPlacePartHost(Player, Level, BlockPos) - Static method in class
CANT_PICKUP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Result
There is nothing this strategy can pick up.
CANT_STORE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Result
There is something the strategy could pick up, but the storage is full.
canTurn() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICrankable
Test if the crank can turn, return false if there is no work to be done.
CAPACITY_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_COMPONENT_16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_COMPONENT_1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_COMPONENT_256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_COMPONENT_4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_COMPONENT_64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CELL_WORKBENCH - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CELLS - Static variable in interface appeng.api.inventories.ISegmentedInventory
Identifies the sub-inventory used to store storage cells in machines such as the cell workbench, drive, ME chest.
CellState - Enum Class in
CERTUS_QUARTZ_AXE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_CRYSTAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_CRYSTAL_CHARGED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_DUST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_HOE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_KNIFE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_PICK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_SHOVEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_SWORD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CERTUS_QUARTZ_WRENCH - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
changeColor(AEColor, Player) - Method in interface
Change the color of the cable, this should cost a small amount of dye, or something.
CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener.State
The node's assigned channels have changed.
CHANNEL_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.NetworkEmitterMode
ChannelMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking.pathing
Defines how AE2's channel capacities work.
CHARGED_STAFF - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CHARGER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
checkPreconditions(AEKey, long, Actionable, IActionSource) - Static method in interface
CHEST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CHIPPED_BUDDING_QUARTZ - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CHISELED_QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CHISELED_QUARTZ_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CHISELED_QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CHISELED_QUARTZ_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
cleanup() - Method in interface
remove host from level...
clear() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
clear() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
CLEAR_ON_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CopyMode
clearBlocked() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PlacementStrategy
clearContainer() - Method in interface
destroys the part container, for internal use.
clearContent() - Method in interface
Clears the contents of the part, which would otherwise be dropped by IPart.addAdditionalDrops(java.util.List<>, boolean).
ClientRegistration - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
codec() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
A codec used to encode keys of this type.
CODEC - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
CODEC - Static variable in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
CODEC - Static variable in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
CODEC - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
COLOR_APPLICATOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_LUMEN_PAINT_BALL_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_BLACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_BROWN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_CYAN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_GREEN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_LIME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_MAGENTA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_ORANGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_PINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_PURPLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_RED - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_WHITE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
COLORED_PAINT_BALL_YELLOW - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CommonRegistration - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
completeMove(BlockEntity, BlockState, CompoundTag, Level, BlockPos) - Method in class appeng.api.movable.DefaultBlockEntityMoveStrategy
completeMove(BlockEntity, BlockState, CompoundTag, Level, BlockPos) - Method in interface appeng.api.movable.IBlockEntityMoveStrategy
Complete moving a block entity for which a move was initiated successfully with IBlockEntityMoveStrategy.beginMove(BlockEntity, HolderLookup.Provider).
COMPRESSED_CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
This is used for the inner node of ME-P2P tunnels, which connects to the grid that will carry the content of the P2P tunnel compressed into a single channel.
computeDisplayName() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
computeDisplayName() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
computeDisplayName() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Compute the display name, which is used to sort by name in client terminal.
CONDENSER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CONDENSER_OUTPUT - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
CondenserOutput - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
CONFIG - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
CONFIG - Static variable in interface appeng.api.inventories.ISegmentedInventory
Identifies an inventory that contains fake items for the purpose of configuring a filter or interface auto-stocking.
connected() - Method in interface
connected() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the connected record component.
consumeIdlePower(Actionable) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
Can only be used with a host that implements IEnergySource.
ContainerItemContext - Class in appeng.api.behaviors
ContainerItemStrategies - Class in appeng.api.behaviors
Manages ContainerItemStrategy registrations for key types.
ContainerItemStrategies() - Constructor for class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
ContainerItemStrategy<T,C> - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Strategy to interact with the non-item keys held by container items, for example the fluid contained in a bucket.
contains(AEKey) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Returns whether the key is part of this key space.
context(Class<T>) - Method in interface
An IActionSource can have multiple optional contexts.
contrastTextColor - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Text color that has good contrast with the medium version of this color.
CONTROLLER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CONTROLLER_CONFLICT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ControllerState
Controller rules not followed, lock up while booting.
CONTROLLER_ONLINE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ControllerState
Controller rules followed, booting enabled.
ControllerState - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking.pathing
CONVERSION_MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
conversionRatio - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
please do not edit this value, it is set when AE loads its config files.
convertTo(PowerUnits, double) - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
do power conversion using AE's conversion rates.
copy(IConfigManager, IConfigManager) - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
COPY_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
CopyMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
COVERED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Connections to this block should render as covered.
COVERED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
CPU_BUSY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
The selected crafting CPU is already working on something else.
CPU_OFFLINE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
The CPU is currently offline (no power or not enough channels).
CPU_SELECTION_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
CPU_TOO_SMALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
The CPU is too small to process the job.
CpuSelectionMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
Controls for which types of crafting requests a crafting CPU is available to be automatically selected.
CRAFT_LESS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CalculationStrategy
Try to craft less items than requested.
CRAFT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.OutputMode
CRAFT_ONLY - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
CRAFT_VIA_REDSTONE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
CRAFTABLE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ViewItems
crafting() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns the value of the crafting record component.
CRAFTING_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CRAFTING_INV - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
A crafting inventory.
CRAFTING_MACHINE - Static variable in class appeng.api.AECapabilities
CRAFTING_MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CRAFTING_STORAGE_16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_STORAGE_1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_STORAGE_256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_STORAGE_4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_STORAGE_64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRAFTING_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
CRAFTING_UNIT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CraftingJobStatus - Record Class in appeng.api.networking.crafting
CraftingJobStatus(GenericStack, long, long, long) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Creates an instance of a CraftingJobStatus record class.
CraftingSubmitErrorCode - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking.crafting
Gives a reason for why submitting the crafting job failed.
CRANK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRANKABLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.AECapabilities
create(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ExternalStorageStrategy.Factory
create(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackExportStrategy.Factory
create(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackImportStrategy.Factory
create(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction, BlockEntity, UUID) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PlacementStrategy.Factory
create(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction, BlockEntity, ItemEnchantments, UUID) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Factory
create(Level, BlockPos) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Finish creation of the node, which means it'll try to make a connection to adjacent nodes if it's exposed on the host, and it'll be available for connections from other nodes.
createConnection(IGridNode, IGridNode) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Create a direct connection between two IGridNode.
createManagedNode(T, IGridNodeListener<T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Creates a managed grid node that makes managing the lifecycle of an IGridNode easier.
createPart() - Method in interface
create a new part INSTANCE
createPartFromItemStack(ItemStack, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IFacadeItem
creates an IFacadePart from the facade ItemStack and the Direction
createUpgradeCardItem(Item.Properties) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Creates a new upgrade item which can be used to receive automated tooltips and allow custom upgrades to be added to AE2's toolbelt in the network tool.
createWrapper(boolean, Runnable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ExternalStorageStrategy
CREATIVE_CELL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
CREATIVE_ENERGY_CELL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CRYSTAL_RESONANCE_GENERATOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
currentEfficiency() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
CUT_QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CUT_QUARTZ_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CUT_QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CUT_QUARTZ_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
CYAN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
CYCLE_PROCESSING_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems


DAMAGED_BUDDING_QUARTZ - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
DARK_MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
dataObject() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridStorage
DEBUG_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipProvider
debugDump(JsonWriter, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Write debug information about this service to the given writer.
decode(AEItemKey, Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.EncodedPatternDecoder
decodePattern(AEItemKey, Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetailsDecoder
decodePattern(AEItemKey, Level) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
decodePattern(ItemStack, Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetailsDecoder
Convenience alternative to IPatternDetailsDecoder.decodePattern(AEItemKey, Level) that takes an ItemStack.
decodePattern(ItemStack, Level) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode
DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Default channel capacity per cable.
DEFAULT - Static variable in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipProvider
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface
DefaultBlockEntityMoveStrategy - Class in appeng.api.movable
The default strategy for moving block entities in/out of spatial storage.
DefaultBlockEntityMoveStrategy() - Constructor for class appeng.api.movable.DefaultBlockEntityMoveStrategy
DelegateItemUpgradeInventory - Class in appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects
DelegateItemUpgradeInventory(Supplier<ItemStack>) - Constructor for class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
DENSE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
DENSE_CABLE - Enum constant in enum class
DENSE_CAPACITY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
This node can transmit 32 signals, this should only apply to Tier2 Cable, P2P Tunnels, and Quantum Network Bridges.
DENSE_COVERED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Smart Dense Cable, represents a tier 2 block that can carry 32 channels.
DENSE_ENERGY_CELL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
DENSE_SMART - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Smart Dense Cable, represents a tier 2 block that can carry 32 channels.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SortDir
description() - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Returns the value of the description record component.
destroy() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
by destroying a connection you may create new grids, and trigger un-expected behavior, you should only destroy connections if you created them.
destroy() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
By destroying your node, you destroy any connections, and its existence in the grid, use in invalidate, or onChunkUnload.
DimensionalBlockPos - Class in appeng.api.util
Represents a location in the Minecraft Universe
DimensionalBlockPos(DimensionalBlockPos) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
DimensionalBlockPos(BlockEntity) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
DimensionalBlockPos(Level, int, int, int) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
DimensionalBlockPos(Level, BlockPos) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
divide(double) - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
doSpatialTransition(ItemStack, ServerLevel, BlockPos, BlockPos, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.ISpatialStorageCell
Perform a spatial swap with the contents of the cell, and the level.
DOW - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
DOWN_EAST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
DOWN_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
DOWN_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
DOWN_WEST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
DR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
drawInGui(Minecraft, GuiGraphics, int, int, AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
drawInGui(Minecraft, GuiGraphics, int, int, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.client.AEKeyRenderHandler
Draw the stack, for example the item or the fluid sprite, but not the amount.
drawOnBlockFace(PoseStack, MultiBufferSource, AEKey, float, int, Level) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
drawOnBlockFace(PoseStack, MultiBufferSource, T, float, int, Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.client.AEKeyRenderHandler
Draw the representation of a key in-world on the face of a block.
DRIVE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
dropSecondary() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
dropSecondary() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
dropSecondary() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
dye - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Vanilla Dye Equivilient


EAST_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
EAST_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
EAST_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
EAST_UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
elapsedTimeNanos() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns the value of the elapsedTimeNanos record component.
EmiStackConverter - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.emi
Implement this interface to provide AE2s EMI integration with a new way to convert between AE2 GenericStack and EmiStack.
EmiStackConverters - Class in appeng.api.integrations.emi
Register your EmiStackConverter instances for JEI here.
emittedItems() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
List of items that need to be emitted for this job.
empty() - Static method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
empty() - Static method in interface
empty() - Static method in interface
Create a new empty source.
empty() - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.UpgradeInventories
Returns an empty, read-only upgrade inventory.
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FullnessMode
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.OperationMode
EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class
A cell without anything stored
EmptyingAction - Record Class in appeng.api.behaviors
Describes the action of emptying an item into the storage network.
EmptyingAction(Component, AEKey, long) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Creates an instance of a EmptyingAction record class.
enabled() - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
ENABLED_KEY_TYPES - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
List of AE key types enabled in a terminal
enabledPredicate() - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
enabledSet() - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
ENCODE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
encodeCraftingPattern(RecipeHolder<CraftingRecipe>, ItemStack[], ItemStack, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Encodes a crafting pattern which represents a Vanilla crafting recipe.
ENCODED_CRAFTING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An encoded crafting pattern.
ENCODED_PROCESSING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An encoded processing pattern.
ENCODED_SMITHING_TABLE_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An encoded smithing table pattern.
ENCODED_STONECUTTING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An encoded stonecutting pattern.
EncodedPatternDecoder<T> - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
encodedPatternItemBuilder(EncodedPatternDecoder<T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Creates a new encoded pattern item based on the given decoder.
encodedPatternItemBuilder(Function<AEItemKey, T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Convenience method for decoders that do not need access to the level to decode a pattern.
EncodedPatternItemBuilder<T> - Class in appeng.api.crafting
encodeProcessingPattern(List<GenericStack>, List<GenericStack>) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Encodes a processing pattern which represents the ability to convert the given inputs into the given outputs using some process external to the ME system.
encodeSmithingTablePattern(RecipeHolder<SmithingRecipe>, AEItemKey, AEItemKey, AEItemKey, AEItemKey, boolean) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Encodes a smithing table pattern which represents a Vanilla Smithing Table recipe.
encodeStonecuttingPattern(RecipeHolder<StonecutterRecipe>, AEItemKey, AEItemKey, boolean) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
Encodes a stonecutting pattern which represents a Vanilla Stonecutter recipe.
endBatch() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Finish the current batch and send any pending notification.
endBatchSuppressed() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Finish the current batch and suppress any pending notification.
ENDER_DUST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ENERGY_ACCEPTOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
ENERGY_ACCEPTOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
ENERGY_CAPACITY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
The maximum amount of energy that can be stored in this item.
ENERGY_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ENERGY_CELL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
ENERGY_LEVEL_EMITTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
ENERGY_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for energy (i.e.
ENGINEERING_PROCESSOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ENGINEERING_PROCESSOR_PRESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ENGINEERING_PROCESSOR_PRINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
englishName - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
English name of this color.
ENTANGLED_SINGULARITY_ID - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
ENTROPY_MANIPULATOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
EQUAL_DISTRIBUTION_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
equals(Object) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
equals(Object) - Method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
errorCode() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSubmitResult
errorDetail() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSubmitResult
If ICraftingSubmitResult.errorCode() is not-null, this may optionally give additional error details.
excluded() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns the value of the excluded record component.
export(JsonWriter) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Dump debug information about this grid to the given JSON writer.
EXPORT_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
EXPORT_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.OutputMode
EXPORT_OR_CRAFT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.OutputMode
EXPORTED_CONFIG_INV - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported configuration inventory.
EXPORTED_CUSTOM_NAME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An export custom machine name.
EXPORTED_LEVEL_EMITTER_VALUE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported reporting value for level emitters.
EXPORTED_P2P_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported P2PTunnelPart frequency.
EXPORTED_P2P_TYPE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported subtype of a P2PTunnelPart.
EXPORTED_PATTERNS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported patterns
EXPORTED_PRIORITY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported machine priority.
EXPORTED_PUSH_DIRECTION - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported push direction of pattern providers or similar machines.
EXPORTED_SETTINGS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported machine configuration.
EXPORTED_SETTINGS_SOURCE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
The name of the machine type the settings were exported from.
EXPORTED_UPGRADES - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Exported machine upgrades.
exportSettings() - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Exports all settings.
exportSettings(SettingsFrom, DataComponentMap.Builder) - Method in interface
Exports settings for attaching it to a memory card or item stack.
ExternalStorageStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
ExternalStorageStrategy.Factory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
extract(int, AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Try to extract something from a given slot.
extract(AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemContext
extract(AEKey, long, Actionable, IActionSource) - Method in interface
Extract the specified item from the ME Inventory
extract(AEKey, long, Actionable, IActionSource) - Method in class
extract(C, T, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
EXTRACTABLE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.StorageFilter
extractAEPower(double, Actionable, PowerMultiplier) - Method in interface
Extract power from the network.
extractAEPower(ItemStack, double, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
Attempt to extract power from the device, it will extract what it can and return it.
extractItem(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
extractItem(int, int, boolean) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper


facade - Variable in class
facade part.
FACADE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FACADE_BLOCK_WHITELIST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Block tag used to explicitly whitelist blocks for use in facades, even if they don't meet the general criteria for being used in facades.
FACADE_ITEM - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
The item a facade is masquerading as.
FACADES - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AECreativeTabIds
facing() - Static method in class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
Block can be oriented in 6 directions, but not swivel around that axis.
facingNoPlayerRotation() - Static method in class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
Block can be oriented in 6 directions, but not swivel around that axis.
FacingStrategy - Class in appeng.api.orientation
Implements a strategy that allows blocks to be oriented using a single directional property.
FacingStrategy(DirectionProperty) - Constructor for class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
FacingStrategy(DirectionProperty, boolean) - Constructor for class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
FacingWithSpinStrategy - Class in appeng.api.orientation
Extends FacingStrategy to also allow the block to be rotated around its facing axis.
FacingWithSpinStrategy() - Constructor for class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
FASTER - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
increase the tick rate marginally.
FE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
FE_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
FILL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.OperationMode
fillCrashReportCategory(CrashReportCategory) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Fills in details about this node in the given crash report category.
filter() - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
filter() - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
filter() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
FILTER_ON_EXTRACT - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
finalOutput() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
Final output of the job.
findCarriedContext(AEKeyType, Player, AbstractContainerMenu) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
findCarriedContext(Player, AbstractContainerMenu) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
findCarriedContextForKey(AEKey, Player, AbstractContainerMenu) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
findFuzzy(AEKey, FuzzyMode) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
findOwnedItemContext(AEKeyType, Player, ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
Finds a context for an item that is in the possession of the player, but the precise location is unknown.
findPlayerSlotContext(Player, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
FLAWED_BUDDING_QUARTZ - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
FLAWLESS_BUDDING_QUARTZ - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
FLUID_CELL_16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_CELL_1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_CELL_256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_CELL_4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_CELL_64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_CELL_HOUSING - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUID_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
FLUID_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for fluid tunnels.
fluids() - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
FLUIX_AXE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
FLUIX_CRYSTAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_DUST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_HOE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_PEARL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_PICK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_SHOVEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
FLUIX_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
FLUIX_SWORD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_UPGRADE_SMITHING_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FLUIX_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
forItem(ItemStack, int) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.UpgradeInventories
Creates an upgrade inventory that manages the upgrades inserted into an upgradable item stack such as portable cells or wireless terminals.
forItem(ItemStack, int, ItemUpgradesChanged) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.UpgradeInventories
Same as UpgradeInventories.forItem(ItemStack, int), but with change notifications.
forMachine(ItemLike, int, MachineUpgradesChanged) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.UpgradeInventories
Creates an upgrade inventory that manages the upgrades inserted into an upgradable item stack such as portable cells or wireless terminals.
formatAmount(long, AmountFormat) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
formatAmount(long, AmountFormat) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Format the amount into a user-readable string.
FORMATION_CORE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FORMATION_PLANE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
forStack(ItemStack, Predicate<AEKeyType>) - Static method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
fromBounds(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
fromBounds(AABB) - Static method in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
fromDye(DyeColor) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
fromFluidStack(FluidStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Converts a given fluid stack into a generic stack.
fromItemStack(ItemStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Converts a given item stack into a generic stack, accounting for a GenericStack already wrapped in an ItemStack, unwrapping it automatically.
fromMachine(Level, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
fromPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
fromPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
fromRawId(int) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
fromTag(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
fromTag(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
fromTagGeneric(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
fromUnrotatedSide(Direction) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
Find the relative side on the given absolute side of a block, assuming its default orientation.
FRONT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
full() - Static method in class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
Block can be oriented in 6 directions and then can also be swiveled around that axis in 90° increments.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FullnessMode
FULL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
FULL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.stacks.AmountFormat
Display the full amount.
FULL - Enum constant in enum class
Full cell, technically could have free types
FULLNESS_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
FullnessMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
FUZZY_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
FUZZY_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
fuzzyEquals(AEKey, FuzzyMode) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Tests if this and the given AE key are in the same fuzzy partition given a specific fuzzy matching mode.
FuzzyMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config


GENERIC_INTERNAL_INV - Static variable in class appeng.api.AECapabilities
GenericInternalInventory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Abstraction layer over the "generic" (meaning that it can accept any AEKey in each slot) inventory used by various AE2 devices.
GenericSlotCapacities - Class in appeng.api.behaviors
Allows custom key types to define slot capacities for pattern providers and interfaces.
GenericStack - Record Class in appeng.api.stacks
Represents some amount of some generic resource that AE can store or handle in crafting.
GenericStack(AEKey, long) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Creates an instance of a GenericStack record class.
get(int, int) - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
get(IOrientationStrategy, BlockState) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
get(AEKey) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
get(AEKeyType) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
get(DataComponentType<T>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
get(DataComponentType<T>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
get(DataComponentType<T>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Get a data component attached to this key.
get(Direction) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
get(Direction, int) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
get(Direction, Direction) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
Gets the block orientation in which the blocks front and top are facing the specified directions.
get(ResourceLocation) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyTypes
Fetch the implementation for a specific storage channel id.
get(BlockEntity) - Static method in class appeng.api.movable.BlockEntityMoveStrategies
Retrieves the strategy for moving the given block entity to a different location.
get(BlockEntity) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
get(BlockState) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
get(BlockState) - Static method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
get(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.GridLinkables
Gets the registered handler for a given item.
get(Level, long) - Method in class appeng.api.features.Locatables.Type
Gets the currently registered locatable object for a given key.
get(Level, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICrankable
getActionableNode() - Method in interface
Used to for calculating security rules, you must supply a node from your IGridHost for the security test, this should be the primary node for the machine, unless the action is preformed by a non primary node.
getActionSource() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
getActionSource() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSimulationRequester
Return the current action source, used to extract items.
getActiveMachines(Class<T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get machines connected to the network via grid nodes that are powered and have their needed channels.
getAdHocNetworkChannels() - Method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
getAECurrentPower() - Method in interface
getAECurrentPower(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
getAEMaxPower() - Method in interface
getAEMaxPower(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
getAll() - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyTypes
An unmodifiable collection of all registered key types.
getAllocatedPlotId(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.ISpatialStorageCell
get the currently stored spatial storage plot id.
getAllStates(BlockState) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getAmount() - Method in interface
getAmount(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
getAmountPerByte() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getAmountPerByte() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
The amount of this key type that can be stored per byte used in a storage cell.
getAmountPerOperation() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getAmountPerOperation() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
How much of this key will be transferred as part of a transfer operation.
getAmountPerUnit() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
How much of this key is in one unit (i.e.
getAmountPerUnit() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
getAngleX() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getAngleY() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getAngleZ() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getAttunementTag(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
getAvailablePatterns() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
Return the patterns offered by this provider.
getAvailableStacks() - Method in interface
request a full report of all available items, storage.
getAvailableStacks() - Method in class
getAvailableStacks(KeyCounter) - Method in interface
request a full report of all available items, storage.
getAvailableStacks(KeyCounter) - Method in class
getAvailableStorage() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
getAvgPowerInjection() - Method in interface
getAvgPowerUsage() - Method in interface
getBlockEntity() - Method in interface
getBlockState() - Method in interface
getBoundingBox() - Method in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
getBoxes(IPartCollisionHelper) - Method in interface
add your collision information to the list.
getBoxes(IPartCollisionHelper, boolean) - Method in interface
used to collide, and pick the part
getBytes(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IStorageComponent
This isn't necessarily the same as if you make a storage cell out of it, but all of AE's default cells do it that way, its currently only used for the condenser.
getBytes(ItemStack) - Method in interface
The number of bytes that can be stored on this type of storage cell.
getBytesPerType(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Determines the number of bytes used for any type included on the cell.
getCableCapacityFactor() - Method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
getCableColor() - Method in interface
getCableConnectionLength(AECableType) - Method in interface
getCableConnectionLength(AECableType) - Method in interface
getCableConnectionType() - Method in interface
getCableConnectionType(Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IInWorldGridNodeHost
Determines how cables render when they connect to this block.
getCableRenderMode() - Static method in class
getCachedInventory() - Method in interface
Returns the cached content of the network inventory.
getCapacity(AEKeyType) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
getCellCount() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
getCellInventory(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
Returns the storage for the given slot that has been attached to the ME Grid.
getCellInventory(ItemStack, ISaveProvider) - Method in interface
Returns the cell's inventory or null if the item stack is not handled by this handler, or it currently doesn't want to act as a storage cell.
getCellInventory(ItemStack, ISaveProvider) - Static method in class
Returns the inventory for the provided storage cell item by querying all registered handlers.
getCellItem(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
Returns the item of the cell in the given slot or null.
getCellStatus(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
getCellTooltipImage(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Helper to get the additional tooltip image line showing the content/filter/upgrades.
getChannelMode() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingService
getChannelPowerUsage() - Method in interface
getChargeRate(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
getChunkPos() - Method in class
getCloseHotkey() - Method in interface
An optional hotkey used to close the terminal while its open.
getCollisionShape(CollisionContext) - Method in interface
Gets the collision shape of the part host.
getColor() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IColorableBlockEntity
getColor() - Method in interface
getConfigInventory(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Used to extract, or mirror the contents of the work bench onto the cell.
getConfigManager() - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigurableObject
get the config manager for the object.
getConnected(MinecraftServer, int) - Static method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Convenience method to get a connected ServerPlayer for a given ME player id.
getConnectedSides() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getConnections() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
lets you iterate all of a nodes connections that have been made either internally within the grid host, or to other grid hosts, including connections made through the hosts sides and indirectly (QNB, tunnels).
getContainedStack(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
getContainedStack(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
getContainedStack(ItemStack, AEKeyType) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
Tries to get the content of the given key type contained in the given item - if any.
getControllerState() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingService
getConverters() - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.emi.EmiStackConverters
getConverters() - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.rei.IngredientConverters
getCoProcessors() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
getCpus() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
getCraftables(AEKeyFilter) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Get the set of things that can be crafted for a given storage channel.
getCraftingFor(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
getCraftingID() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
getCraftingMachineInfo() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICraftingMachine
Describe how this machine is displayed invalid input: '&' grouped in the pattern access terminal.
getCraftingService() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids ICraftingService.
getDefault() - Static method in class appeng.api.movable.BlockEntityMoveStrategies
getDefaultModel() - Static method in class appeng.api.client.StorageCellModels
Returns the default model, which can be used when no explicit model is registered.
getDefinition() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
Return the type of the encoded item of this pattern, containing all the data to retrieve the pattern later from PatternDetailsHelper.decodePattern(appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey,
getDescription() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Get the translated name of this key space.
getDescription() - Method in interface
getDescription() - Method in class
getDesiredConnectionType() - Method in interface
This method may be implemented by a part to request a specific type of cable connection for rendering.
getDirection(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
determine the direction of the connection based on your node.
getDisplayed() - Method in interface
getDisplayName() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getDisplayName(AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
getDisplayName(T) - Method in interface appeng.api.client.AEKeyRenderHandler
Name of the stack, ignoring the amount.
getEmitableItems() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
Return the emitable items offered by this provider.
getEmptyingAction(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
getEnergyCardMultiplier(IUpgradeInventory) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Returns a cumulative energy multiplier based on the amount of "energy cards" fitted onto a tool.
getEnergyDemand(double) - Method in interface
Calculation will be capped at maxRequired, this improves performance by limiting the number of nodes needed to calculate the demand.
getEnergyService() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids IEnergyService.
getEnergySource() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
getEnglishName() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
getEnumClass() - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
getExposedNode(Level, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Given a known IInWorldGridNodeHost, find an adjacent grid node (i.e.
getExternalCableConnectionType() - Method in interface
This method controls the cable type that is returned for IInWorldGridNodeHost.getCableConnectionType(Direction) by the part host for the side this part is on.
getExternalFacingNode() - Method in interface
used for tunnels.
getExtractableContent() - Method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemContext
getExtractableContent(C) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
getFacade(Direction) - Method in interface
getFacadeContainer() - Method in interface
getFacing(BlockState) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
getFacing(BlockState) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
getFacing(BlockState) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getFilter() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
getFirstEntry() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
getFirstEntry(Class<T>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
getFirstKey() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
getFirstKey(Class<T>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
getFluid() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
getFluidAction() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
getFuzzyCraftable(AEKey, AEKeyFilter) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Important: Never mutate the passed or returned stacks.
getFuzzyMode(ItemStack) - Method in interface
getFuzzySearchMaxValue() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getFuzzySearchMaxValue() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getFuzzySearchValue() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getFuzzySearchValue() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getGrid() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IWirelessAccessPoint
getGrid() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
get the grid for the node, this can change at a moments notice.
getGrid() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Get the grid this managed grid node is currently connected to.
getGridColor() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Colors can be used to prevent adjacent grid nodes from connecting.
getGridNode() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSimulationRequester
Return the current grid node, used to access the current grid state.
getGridNode() - Method in interface
get the Grid Node for the Bus, be sure your IGridBlock is NOT isWorldAccessible, if it is your going to cause crashes.
getGridNode() - Method in interface
getGridNode(Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IInWorldGridNodeHost
get the grid node for a particular side of a block, you can return null, by returning a valid node later and calling updateState, you can join the Grid when your block is ready.
getGuiHandler(ItemStack) - Static method in class
get the handler, for the requested channel.
getHandler(ItemStack) - Static method in class
get the handler, for the requested item.
getIcon(T, TooltipContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers.IconProvider
getId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
getId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
getId(IPartItem<?>) - Static method in interface
getID() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridStorage
getIdleDrain() - Method in interface
getIdleDrain() - Method in interface
Return the idle drain of the cell: how many AE/t it uses passively.
getIdlePowerUsage() - Method in interface
Return the current calculated idle energy drain each tick, is used internally to drain power for each tick.
getIdlePowerUsage() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getIngredientFromStack(GenericStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.rei.IngredientConverter
Converts a generic stack into one of the ingredient handled by this converter.
getIngredientType() - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.rei.IngredientConverter
The REI ingredient type handled by this converter.
getInputs() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
The inputs of this pattern.
getInputs() - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
getInstalledUpgrades(ItemLike) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
getInstalledUpgrades(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeableObject
getInstalledUpgrades(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
determine how many of an upgrade are installed.
getInternalStorage() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
getInventory() - Method in interface
getInventory() - Method in interface
Please note that this will only be called once when the menu is opened.
getInWorldConnections() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
lets you iterate a nodes connections that have been made via the grid host's exposed sides to other adjacent grid nodes.
getItem() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getItem() - Method in interface
getItem() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getItemStack() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getItemStack() - Method in interface
used to save the part.
getJobStatus() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
getKey(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
getKeyClass() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
getKeyType() - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.emi.EmiStackConverter
The EMI key type handled by this converter.
getKeyType() - Method in interface
Basic cell items are limited to a single AEKeyType.
getKeyTypeSelection() - Method in interface appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelectionHost
getLevel() - Method in class
getLevel() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getLevel() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
getLevel() - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
getLightLevel() - Method in interface
getLinkStatus() - Method in interface
getLinkStatus() - Method in interface
For hosts that do not have a fixed connection to the grid, this method is used to give feedback to the player about the current connection status.
getLocation() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IWirelessAccessPoint
getLocation() - Method in interface
getLocator() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getMachineClasses() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
get a list of the diversity of classes, you can use this to better detect which machines your interested in, rather then iterating the entire grid to test them.
getMachineNodes(Class<?>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get machine nodes on the network.
getMachines(Class<T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get machines connected to the network via grid nodes.
getMainMenuIcon() - Method in interface
Gets the icon to represent the host of the submenu.
getMap() - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.GenericSlotCapacities
getMapping(MinecraftServer) - Static method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Gets the mapping between GameProfile ids and AE2's player ids for the given server.
getMapping(Level) - Static method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Convenience method to get the player registry that's associated with the server that hosts the given level.
getMax() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
getMaxAmount(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
getMaxChannels() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getMaxInstallable(ItemLike, ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Returns how many of the given item can be installed in the given upgradable item.
getMaxInstalled(ItemLike) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
getMaxInstalled(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
determine how many of an upgrade can be installed.
getMaxStackSize() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getMaxStoredDim(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.ISpatialStorageCell
getMaxStoredPower() - Method in interface
this is should be considered an estimate, and not relied upon for real calculations.
getMenuHost(Player, ItemMenuHostLocator, BlockHitResult) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.IMenuItem
getMin() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
getModelData() - Method in interface
Additional model data to be passed to the models for rendering this part.
getModels() - Method in interface
A collection of ResourceLocation used as models for a part.
getModId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getModName(T, TooltipContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers.ModNameProvider
getMultiblockNodes() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridMultiblock
Used to acquire a list of all nodes that are part of the multiblock.
getMultiplier() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails.IInput
Multiplier for the inputs: how many possible inputs are necessary to craft this pattern.
getName() - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
getName() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
getName(T, TooltipContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers.NameProvider
getNetworkId(IPartItem<?>) - Static method in interface
getNode() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
getNodeHost(Level, BlockPos) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
Finds an IInWorldGridNodeHost at the given world location, or returns null if there isn't one.
getNodes() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
getOperationsRemaining() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
getOrientation(BlockState) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientableBlock
getOrientationStrategy() - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientableBlock
getOriginalCellInventory(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
Returns the inventory of the storage cell in the given slot or null.
getOrPlacePartHost(Level, BlockPos, boolean, Player) - Static method in class
Gets or places a part host at the given position.
getOrThrow(AEKeyType) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
getOrThrow(String) - Static method in class appeng.api.config.Settings
getOtherSide(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
lets you get the opposing node of the connection by passing your own node.
getOutputMethod() - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
getOutputs() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
The outputs of this pattern.
getOutputs() - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
getOwner() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Gets the host of the grid node, which does not necessarily have a representation in the game level.
getOwningPlayerId() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getOwningPlayerProfileId() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getPart(IPartItem<T>, BlockGetter, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class
Tries to retrieve a part placed from a given part item from the world, and returns it.
getPart(Direction) - Method in interface
Get a part attached to the host based on the location it's attached to.
getPart(BlockGetter, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in class
Tries to retrieve a part from the world, and returns it.
getPartClass() - Method in interface
getPartHost(Level, BlockPos) - Static method in class
Gets a part host at the given position.
getPartItem() - Method in interface
Gets the item from which this part was created.
getPathingService() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids IPathingService.
getPatternPriority() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
Return the priority for the patterns offered by this provider.
getPivot() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
getPlayer() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getPlayerId(GameProfile) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Queries AE2's internal player ID for the given GameProfile.
getPlayerId(UUID) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Queries AE2's internal player ID for the given profile UUID.
getPlayerId(ServerPlayer) - Static method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Convenience method to get the ME player id associated with a connected player.
getPlayerInventorySlot() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getPos() - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
getPossibleInputs() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails.IInput
A list of possible inputs for this pattern: the first input is the primary input, others are just substitutes that will be used if available but won't be autocrafted.
getPowerDrainPerTick() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
Get power drain per tick.
getPowerFlow() - Method in interface
Control the power flow by telling what the network can do, either add? or subtract? or both!
getPowerFlow(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
Control the power flow by telling what the network can do, either add? or subtract? or both!
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getPrimaryOutput() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
The primary output of this pattern.
getPriority() - Method in interface
The priority to use this energy storage.
getProfileId(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IPlayerRegistry
Find the stored profile UUID that is stored for the given ME player id, if any.
getProperties() - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
getProperties() - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
getProperties() - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
getProperties() - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getQuaternion() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getRange() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IWirelessAccessPoint
getRate() - Method in interface
AE per tick that is generated by this passive generator.
getRawId() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
getReadOnlyStack() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getRedstoneSignal() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
getRelativeSide(Direction) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getRelativeSides(Set<Direction>) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getRemainingKey(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails.IInput
Optionally return a remaining key.
getRequestedAmount(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Gets the total amount being requested across all crafting cpus of a grid.
getRequestedJobs() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester
called when the host is added to the grid, and should return all crafting links it poses so they can be connected with the cpu that hosts the job.
getRows(int) - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
getSelectionMode() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
getSerializedName() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
getSerializedName() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
getService(Class<C>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get Access to various grid modules
getService(Class<T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Tries to get a service that was attached to this grid node when it was created.
getSetting(Setting<T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Get Value of a particular setting
getSettings() - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
get a list of different settings
getSide() - Method in interface
getSide(RelativeSide) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getSide(BlockState, RelativeSide) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getSides(Set<RelativeSide>) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getSlotInv(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
getSlotLimit(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
getSlotLimit(int) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
getSpatialService() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids ISpatialService.
getSpin() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getSpin(BlockState) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
getSpin(BlockState) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getStack(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
getStackFromIngredient(EntryStack<T>) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.rei.IngredientConverter
Converts an ingredient handled by this converter into a generic stack.
getStackInSlot(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
getStackInSlot(int) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
getStackSizeOrZero(GenericStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
getStateColor() - Method in enum class
getStateForPlacement(BlockState, BlockPlaceContext) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
getStateForPlacement(BlockState, BlockPlaceContext) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
getStateForPlacement(BlockState, BlockPlaceContext) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.HorizontalFacingStrategy
getStateForPlacement(BlockState, BlockPlaceContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
getStaticModels() - Method in interface
This method is used when a chunk is rebuilt to determine how this part should be rendered.
getStatus() - Method in interface
Return the current status of the cell.
getStorageService() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids IStorageService.
getStoredPower() - Method in interface
this is should be considered an estimate, and not relied upon for real calculations.
getSubInventory(int, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
getSubInventory(ResourceLocation) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ISegmentedInventory
Access an internal inventory, note, not all inventories contain real items, some may be ghost items, and treating them a real inventories will result in duplication.
getSupportedKeyTypes() - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
getSymbolName() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
getTagNames() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Returns all tags that apply to keys of this type.
getTextureBlockState(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IFacadeItem
get the BlockState texture the ItemStack stores
getTextureItem() - Method in interface
The item that this facade masquerades as.
getTextureItem(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IFacadeItem
get the ItemStack texture the facade was created with
getTickingRequest(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.ticking.IGridTickable
Return a valid TickingRequest to tell AE a guide for which type of responsiveness your device wants.
getTickManager() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Get this grids ITickManager.
getTooltip(AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
getTooltip(ItemStack, Level, Exception, TooltipFlag) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.InvalidPatternTooltipStrategy
getTooltip(Level, TooltipFlag) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
Gets a tooltip describing the details of this crafting pattern.
getTooltip(T) - Method in interface appeng.api.client.AEKeyRenderHandler
Return the full tooltip, with the name of the stack and any additional lines.
getTooltipLinesForCard(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Gets a list of lines describing where an upgrade card can be used.
getTooltipLinesForMachine(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Gets a list of tooltip lines describing which upgrades and how many of each are supported by a given upgradable item.
getTotalTypes(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Must be between 1 and 63, indicates how many types can be stored on this type of storage cell.
getTransformation() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
getTunnelPartByTriggerItem(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
getType() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
getType() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
getType() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getUnitSymbol() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
getUnitSymbol() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
getUnrotatedSide() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
getUpgradableItem() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
getUpgradableItem() - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
Item representation of the upgradable object this inventory is managing upgrades for.
getUpgrades() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
getUpgrades() - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeableObject
Gets the inventory that contains the upgrade cards for this upgradable object.
getUpgrades(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeableItem
Used to edit the upgrades on your item, should have a capacity of 0-8 slots.
getUsedChannels() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
getUsedChannels() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getUsedChannels() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingService
getValue(IConfigManager) - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
getValues() - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
getVariantByTintIndex(int) - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Will return a variant of this color based on the given tint index.
getViewCellStorage() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IViewCellStorage
should contains at least 5 slot, the first 5
getVisualRepresentation() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
getWorldX() - Method in interface
getWorldY() - Method in interface
getWorldZ() - Method in interface
GLASS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Connections to this block should render as glass.
GLASS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
GRID_BOOT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener.State
The grid that the node's attached to has either started or finished booting up.
GridBootingStatusChange - Class in
Posted by the network when the booting status of the network goes up or down, the change is reflected via IGridNode.isActive() Note: Most machines just need to check IGridNode.isActive()
GridBootingStatusChange(boolean) - Constructor for class
GridChannelRequirementChanged - Class in
Posted by storage devices to inform AE the channel cache that the included node has changed its mind about its channel requirements.
GridChannelRequirementChanged(IGridNode) - Constructor for class
GridChunkAdded(ServerLevel, ChunkPos) - Constructor for class
GridChunkEvent - Class in
An event send from the statistics grid once something about a chunk changes.
GridChunkEvent(ServerLevel, ChunkPos) - Constructor for class
GridChunkEvent.GridChunkAdded - Class in
A chunk was added to the area this network spans.
GridChunkEvent.GridChunkRemoved - Class in
A chunk was removed to the area this network spans.
GridChunkRemoved(ServerLevel, ChunkPos) - Constructor for class
GridControllerChange - Class in
Event posted when the networks controller state changes, this can be from no controller to 1 controller, or any time the network changes from conflicted to not conflicted.
GridControllerChange() - Constructor for class
GridCraftingCpuChange - Class in
GridCraftingCpuChange(IGridNode) - Constructor for class
GridEvent - Class in
Part of AE's Event Bus.
GridEvent() - Constructor for class
GridFlags - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking
Various flags to determine network node behavior.
GridHelper - Class in appeng.api.networking
A helper responsible for creating new IGridNode, connecting existing nodes, and related features.
GridLinkables - Class in appeng.api.features
A registry for items that can be linked to a specific network using for example the security station's user interface.
GridPowerIdleChange - Class in
Implementers of a IGridBlock must post this event when your getIdlePowerUsage starts returning a new value, if you do not post this event the network will not change the idle draw.
GridPowerIdleChange(IGridNode) - Constructor for class
GridPowerStatusChange - Class in
Posted when the Grid loses power or is powered again.
GridPowerStatusChange() - Constructor for class
GridPowerStorageStateChanged - Class in
informs the network, that a IAEPowerStorage block that had either run, out of power, or was full, is no longer in that state.
GridPowerStorageStateChanged(IAEPowerStorage, GridPowerStorageStateChanged.PowerEventType) - Constructor for class
GridPowerStorageStateChanged.PowerEventType - Enum Class in
GridServices - Class in appeng.api.networking
A registry of grid services to extend grid functionality.
GridSpatialEvent - Class in
An event that is posted whenever a spatial IO is active.
GridSpatialEvent(Level, BlockPos, double) - Constructor for class
GridStatisticsEvent - Class in
An event send from the statistics grid.
GridStatisticsEvent() - Constructor for class
GROWTH_ACCELERATABLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Crystal growth accelerators will trigger additional random ticks for blocks in that tag, regardless of what the blocks are.
GROWTH_ACCELERATOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
GUIDE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds


HALF - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FullnessMode
hasComponents() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
hasComponents() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
hasComponents() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
hasDoneWork() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
hasFlag(GridFlags) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
see if this node has a certain flag
hasGridBooted() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
hasGridBooted() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
hashCode() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
hashCode() - Method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
hasOperationsLeft() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
hasRedstone() - Method in interface
Check if the part host currently has redstone power greater than 0.
hasRegion() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
hasSetting(Setting<?>) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Checks if this config manager supports the given setting.
HIGH_SIGNAL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode
hitLocation() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Returns the value of the hitLocation record component.
horizontalFacing() - Static method in class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
HorizontalFacingStrategy - Class in appeng.api.orientation
Implements a strategy that allows blocks to be oriented using a single directional property.
HorizontalFacingStrategy() - Constructor for class appeng.api.orientation.HorizontalFacingStrategy
HotkeyAction - Interface in appeng.api.features
Hotkey actions are server-side actions, that are triggered by customizable hotkeys on the client.


IActionHost - Interface in
IActionSource - Interface in
The source of any action.
IAEItemPowerStorage - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.items
Basically the same as IAEPowerStorage, but for items.
IAEPowerStorage - Interface in
Used to access information about AE's various power accepting blocks for monitoring purposes.
IAutoCraftingMenu - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.menus
Marker interface for a menu stored in a crafting container used by autocrafting.
IBasicCellItem - Interface in
Implement this on any item to register a "basic cell", which is a cell that works similarly to AE2's own item and fluid cells.
IBlockEntityMoveStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.movable
A strategy for moving block entities in and out of spatial storage.
ICablePart - Interface in
Implemented on the IParts cable objects that can be placed at the center of IPartHosts.
ICellGuiHandler - Interface in
This interface is used by the ME Chest to open the appropriate GUI when a storage cell is inserted into the chest, and the player right-clicks the terminal screen on the chest.
ICellHandler - Interface in
Implementations of this interface provide AE2 with a way to interact with storage cells that may be represented by arbitrary ItemStack
ICellWorkbenchItem - Interface in
IChestOrDrive - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
IColorableBlockEntity - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
icon() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Returns the value of the icon record component.
IConfigManager - Interface in appeng.api.util
Used to adjust settings on an object,
IConfigManagerBuilder - Interface in appeng.api.util
IConfigManagerListener - Interface in appeng.api.util
IConfigurableObject - Interface in appeng.api.util
Implemented by various block entities or parts in AE
IconProvider<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
Provides the icon shown in the in-game tooltip.
ICraftingCPU - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingLink - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingMachine - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
Provides crafting services to adjacent pattern providers for automatic crafting.
ICraftingPlan - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingProvider - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
Allows a node to provide crafting patterns and emitable items to the network.
ICraftingRequester - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingService - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingSimulationRequester - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
The source of a crafting simulation request.
ICraftingSubmitResult - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
ICraftingWatcherNode - Interface in appeng.api.networking.crafting
A node that is notified of changes to the currently crafting items in the network.
ICrankable - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
Crank/Crankable API,
ICustomCableConnection - Interface in
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
set tick rate to maximum.
IEnergyService - Interface in
AE's Power system.
IEnergySource - Interface in
IEnergyWatcher - Interface in
IEnergyWatcherNode - Interface in
IFacadeContainer - Interface in
Used Internally.
IFacadeItem - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.items
Implemented on AE2 facade items.
IFacadePart - Interface in
Used Internally.
ifPresent(BiConsumer<IGrid, IGridNode>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
ifPresent(Consumer<IGrid>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Call the given function on the grid this node is connected to.
IGNORE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode
IGNORE_ALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
Matches any item from undamaged to including 0% durability, but not negative durability (where item damage exceeds maxdamage).
IGrid - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Gives you access to Grid based information.
IGridConnection - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Access to AE's internal grid connections.
IGridConnectionVisitor - Interface in appeng.api.networking
IGridLinkableHandler - Interface in appeng.api.features
Handles the linking of items to specific grids when they're put into the wireless access point linking slot.
IGridMultiblock - Interface in appeng.api.networking
An extension of IGridHost, only means something when your getFlags() contains REQUIRE_CHANNEL, when done properly it will call the method to get a list of all related nodes and give each of them a channel simultaneously for the entire set.
IGridNode - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Gives you a view into a Nodes connections and information.
IGridNodeListener<T> - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Interface that allows a grid node to notify it's host about various events.
IGridNodeListener.State - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking
Gives a reason for why the active state of the node might have changed.
IGridNodeService - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Base interface for services that can be provided by IGridNodes.
IGridService - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Allows you to create a network wise service, AE2 uses these for providing item, spatial, and tunnel services.
IGridServiceProvider - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Allows you to create a grid-wide service.
IGridStorage - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IGridTickable - Interface in appeng.api.networking.ticking
Implement on IGridHosts which want to use AE's Network Ticking Feature.
IGridVisitor - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Simple Visitor pattern access to network nodes.
IInWorldGridNodeHost - Interface in appeng.api.networking
Implement to create a networked BlockEntity.
ILinkStatus - Interface in
Describes the current connection status of a ITerminalHost to the grid.
IManagedGridNode - Interface in appeng.api.networking
This interface is intended for the host that created this node.
IMEChest - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
IMemoryCard - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.items
Memory Card API AE's Memory Card Item Class implements this interface.
IMenuItem - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects
Implemented on Item objects, to return objects used to manage, and interact with the contents.
IMonitorPart - Interface in
Implemented by all screen like parts provided by AE.
IMPORT_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
importSettings(SettingsFrom, DataComponentMap, Player) - Method in interface
Depending on the mode, different settings will be accepted.
importSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Import settings that were previously exported from IConfigManager.exportSettings().
IN_WORLD_GRID_NODE_HOST - Static variable in class appeng.api.AECapabilities
The Direction context is always null.
IncludeExclude - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
INCOMPLETE_PLAN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
Trying to submit a plan that is incomplete.
INetworkToolAware - Interface in appeng.api.util
Implement on block entity or part to suppress the default network tool behavior.
INFINITE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Cables carry infinite channels, effectively disabling pathfinding and channel requirements.
IngredientConverter<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.rei
Implement this interface to provide AE2s REI integration with a new ingredient type converter for use in: Recipe transfers Pressing R/U on custom stacks in AE2 user interfaces Dragging ghost items of custom types from REI to AE2 interfaces
IngredientConverters - Class in appeng.api.integrations.rei
Register your IngredientConverter instances for JEI here.
initialTickRate() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns the value of the initialTickRate record component.
injectAEPower(double, Actionable) - Method in interface
Inject amt, power into the device, it will store what it can, and return the amount unable to be stored.
injectAEPower(ItemStack, double, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IAEItemPowerStorage
Inject amt, power into the device, it will store what it can, and return the amount unable to be stored.
injectPower(double, Actionable) - Method in interface
Inject power in the network.
INSCRIBER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
INSCRIBER_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
INSCRIBER_SEPARATE_SIDES - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
insert(int, AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Try to insert something into a given slot.
insert(AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemContext
insert(AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupSink
insert(AEKey, long, Actionable, IActionSource) - Method in interface
Store new items, or simulate the addition of new items into the ME Inventory.
insert(AEKey, long, Actionable, IActionSource) - Method in class
insert(C, T, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
insert(Player, AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
Insert something into the host of this menu (i.e.
insertCraftedItems(ICraftingLink, AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester
items are injected into the requester as they are completed.
insertItem(int, ItemStack, boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
insertItem(int, ItemStack, boolean) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
INTERFACE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
INTERFACE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
InternalInventory - Interface in appeng.api.inventories
INVALID_MACHINE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
invalidateCache() - Method in interface
Invalidates the cached inventory, causing it to be re-calculated the next time it is accessed.
invalidPatternTooltip(InvalidPatternTooltipStrategy) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.EncodedPatternItemBuilder
When a pattern can no longer be decoded successfully, a custom strategy can be used to still provide the player with some useful information about the invalid pattern (such as: what was it crafting? with which ingredients?)
InvalidPatternTooltipStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
This stragegy is used when a player views the tooltip of an encoded pattern that failed to decode properly.
INVERTED_TOGGLE_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
INVERTER_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
IO_DIRECTION - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
IO_PORT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
IOrientableBlock - Interface in appeng.api.orientation
Implemented on many of AEs blocks to control their orientation.
IOrientationStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.orientation
Specifies how a block determines its orientation and stores it in the blockstate.
IPart - Interface in
IPartCollisionHelper - Interface in
IPartHost - Interface in
Implemented on AE's block entities.
IPartItem<P> - Interface in
When implementing a custom part, you must create an item to both represent the part in NBT and Packet data, and to actually place the part onto the bus.
IPartModel - Interface in
A container to store a collection of ResourceLocation as models for a part as well as other properties.
IPassiveEnergyGenerator - Interface in
Passively provide power to the system.
IPathingService - Interface in appeng.api.networking.pathing
Provides services related to channel-allocation and a grid's controller.
IPatternAccessTermMenuHost - Interface in
IPatternDetails - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
Information about a pattern for use by the autocrafting system.
IPatternDetails.IInput - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
IPatternDetails.PatternInputSink - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
IPatternDetailsDecoder - Interface in appeng.api.crafting
Allows mod to decode their IPatternDetails from their item stacks.
IPlayerRegistry - Interface in appeng.api.features
Maintains a save specific list of userids and username combinations this greatly simplifies storage internally and gives a common place to look up and get IDs for the security framework.
IPortableTerminal - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects
Obtained via IMenuItem getMenuHost
IPowerChannelState - Interface in appeng.api.implementations
This is intended for use on the client side to provide details to WAILA.
is(GenericStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
is(AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
is(AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
is(ItemLike) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
isActive() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IWirelessAccessPoint
isActive() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.IPowerChannelState
isActive() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Reflects the networks status, returns true only if the network is powered, and the network has fully booted, and this node has the channels it needs (if any).
isActive() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
isAEPublicPowerStorage() - Method in interface
Checked on network reset to see if your block can be used as a public power storage ( use getPowerFlow to control the behavior )
isAllowed(int, AEKey) - Method in interface
isAllowed(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
isAllowedIn(int, AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Return true if the key is of a supported type and would pass a potential filter configured for the given slot.
isAllowExtraction() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
isAllowInsertion() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
ISaveProvider - Interface in
Tells the cell provider that changes have been made and the cell must be persisted
isBBCollision() - Method in interface
isBlackListed(ItemStack, AEKey) - Method in interface
Allows you to fine tune which items are allowed on a given cell, if you don't care, just return false; As the handler for this type of cell is still the default cells, the normal AE black list is also applied.
isBlocked(Direction) - Method in interface
Used to test for FMP microblock blocking internally.
isBooting() - Method in class
True if the grid is now booting, false if it just finished booting.
isBusy() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingCPU
isBusy() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
isCanceled() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
isCell(ItemStack) - Method in interface
return true if the provided item is handled by your cell handler.
isCellBlinking(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
isCellHandled(ItemStack) - Static method in class
return true, if you can get a InventoryHandler for the item passed.
isClientSide() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
isConnected(Direction) - Method in interface
used to tests if a cable connects to neighbors visually.
isCraftable(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
isDamaged() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
isDense() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
isDone() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
isEditable(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Determines whether or not the item should be treated as a cell and allow for configuration via a cell workbench.
ISegmentedInventory - Interface in appeng.api.inventories
Allows access to specific segments of a machines inventory.
isEmpty() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
isEmpty() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
isEmpty() - Method in interface
isEmpty() - Method in interface
returns false if this block contains any parts or facades, true other wise.
isEmpty() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
isEnabled(AEKeyType) - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
isEncodedPattern(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetailsDecoder
isEncodedPattern(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
isInFilter(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
isInstalled(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
isInverted() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
isInWorld() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnection
isInWorld() - Method in interface
true if the block entity is in the world, other wise false.
isInWorld(LevelAccessor) - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
isItemValid(int, ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
isItemValid(int, ItemStack) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
isKeySupported(AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
isKeyTypeEnabled(AEKeyType) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
isLadder(LivingEntity) - Method in interface
does this part act like a ladder?
isLocked() - Method in interface
isNetworkBooting() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingService
When the structure of a grid is changed in any way, the grid will reboot.
isNetworkPowered() - Method in interface
AE maintains an idle draw of power separate from active power draw, it condenses this into a single operation that determines the networks "powered state" if the network is considered off-line, your machines should not function.
isOnline() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
Return true only if the network is powered and the node has the channels it needs (if any).
isOnline() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
ISpatialService - Interface in appeng.api.networking.spatial
ISpatialStorageCell - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.items
Implemented on a Item
isPowered() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IChestOrDrive
isPowered() - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.IPowerChannelState
isPowered() - Method in interface
isPowered() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
isPowered() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
isPreferredStorageFor(AEKey, IActionSource) - Method in interface
Returns whether this inventory is the preferred storage location for the given stack when being compared to other inventories of the same overall priority.
isPreferredStorageFor(AEKey, IActionSource) - Method in class
isProvidingStrongPower() - Method in interface
isProvidingWeakPower() - Method in interface
isReady() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
isRedundant() - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
isRequesting(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Returns true if what is currently being requested for a crafting job in this grid.
isRequestingAny() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Returns true if anything is currently being requested as part of a crafting job in this grid.
isSimulate() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
isSleeping() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns the value of the isSleeping record component.
isSmart() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
isSolid() - Method in interface
isSpatialStorage(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.ISpatialStorageCell
isSpecializedFor(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Return true to prioritize this handler for the provided ItemStack.
isStandalone() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
isStorageCell(ItemStack) - Method in interface
Allows an item to selectively enable or disable its status as a storage cell.
isStorageComponent(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IStorageComponent
Just true or false for the item stack.
isSupportedType(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Return true if the key would generally be allowed, ignoring the current state of the inventory.
isSupportedType(AEKeyType) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Return true if the key would generally be allowed, ignoring the current state of the inventory.
isSuppressed() - Method in interface
IStackWatcher - Interface in appeng.api.networking
isTagged(TagKey<?>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
isTagged(TagKey<?>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
isTagged(TagKey<?>) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
If the underlying resource supports tagging, this method checks if the resource represented by this key is tagged by the given tag.
IStorageComponent - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.items
Implemented on a Item
IStorageMonitorPart - Interface in
The Storage monitor is a IPart located on the sides of a IPartHost
IStorageMounts - Interface in
Provides IStorageProvider with a convenient way to control the storage they provide to the network.
IStorageProvider - Interface in
Allows you to provide storage to the grid's storage system.
IStorageService - Interface in
Grid-wide storage services for all AEKeyType.
IStorageWatcherNode - Interface in
A node that is notified of changes to the currently stored items in the network.
isTransitionPrevented() - Method in class
isTypeSupported(AEKeyType) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
ISubMenuHost - Interface in
Implemented by objects that open a menu, which then opens a submenu.
isUpgradeCardItem(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Checks if the given item stack uses an item created using Upgrades.createUpgradeCardItem(
isUpgradeCardItem(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.upgrades.Upgrades
Checks if the given item is an upgrade card for *any* other object.
isUpgradedWith(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeableObject
isValid() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
Checks if the item underlying this host is still in place.
isValid() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
isValid(AEKey, Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails.IInput
Check if the passed stack is a valid input.
isValidRegion() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
isWrapped(ItemStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
ITEM_CELL_16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_CELL_1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_CELL_256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_CELL_4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_CELL_64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_CELL_HOUSING - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
ITEM_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
ITEM_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for item tunnels.
ItemMenuHost<T> - Class in appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects
Base interface for an adapter that connects an item stack in a player inventory with a menu that is opened by it.
ItemMenuHost(T, Player, ItemMenuHostLocator) - Constructor for class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
itemProperties(Item.Properties) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.EncodedPatternItemBuilder
Overrides the item properties of the generated item.
items() - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
ItemTransfer - Interface in appeng.api.inventories
Models item transfer that lets the target inventory handle where items are placed into or extracted from.
ItemUpgradesChanged - Interface in appeng.api.upgrades
Callback for upgrade inventories crated through UpgradeInventories.forItem(, int).
iterator() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
iterator() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
ITerminalHost - Interface in
ITickManager - Interface in appeng.api.networking.ticking
The network tick manager.
IUpgradeableItem - Interface in appeng.api.upgrades
Counterpart for IUpgradeableObject, but for Item.
IUpgradeableObject - Interface in appeng.api.upgrades
Implemented by block entities and parts that are upgradable through upgrade cards.
IUpgradeInventory - Interface in appeng.api.upgrades
This specialized inventory can be used to insert and extract upgrade cards into AE2 machines.
IViewCellStorage - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
IWirelessAccessPoint - Interface in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities


jobStateChange(ICraftingLink) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingRequester
called when the job changes from in progress, to either complete, or canceled.


KEEP_ON_REMOVE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CopyMode
KeyCounter - Class in appeng.api.stacks
Associates a generic value of type T with AE keys and makes key/value pairs searchable with fuzzy mode semantics.
KeyCounter() - Constructor for class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
keySet() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
KeyTypeSelection - Class in appeng.api.util
Helper class to store the selection of key types.
KeyTypeSelection(KeyTypeSelection.Listener, Predicate<AEKeyType>) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
KeyTypeSelection(Runnable, Predicate<AEKeyType>) - Constructor for class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
KeyTypeSelection.Listener - Interface in appeng.api.util
KeyTypeSelectionHost - Interface in appeng.api.util
Implemented on block entities or parts that have a key type selection.


LARGE_QUARTZ_BUD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
LEVEL_EMITTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
LEVEL_EMITTER_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
LevelEmitterMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
LIGHT_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
LIGHT_DETECTOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
LIGHT_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
LIGHT_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
LIGHT_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for light tunnels.
LIME - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
link() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSubmitResult
The crafting link, only available for successful requests with a requester.
link(ItemStack, GlobalPos) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IGridLinkableHandler
Link the given stack to the access point at the given position.
LinkStatus - Record Class in
LinkStatus(boolean, Component) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a LinkStatus record class.
loadCraftingLink(CompoundTag, ICraftingRequester) - Static method in class
load a crafting link from nbt data.
loadFromNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
this should be called for each node you create, if you have a nodeData compound to load from, you can store all your nods on a single compound using name.
loadKeyFromTag(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Attempts to load a key of this type from the given tag.
Locatables - Class in appeng.api.features
A Registry for locatable items, works based on serial numbers.
Locatables.Type<T> - Class in appeng.api.features
LOCK_CRAFTING_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
LOCK_UNTIL_PULSE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
After pushing a pattern to an adjacent machine, the pattern provider will not accept further crafts until a redstone pulse is received.
LOCK_UNTIL_RESULT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
After pushing a pattern to an adjacent machine, the pattern provider will not accept further crafts until the primary pattern result is returned to the network through the pattern provider.
LOCK_WHILE_HIGH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
Crafting is locked while the pattern provider is receiving a redstone signal.
LOCK_WHILE_LOW - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
Crafting is locked while the pattern provider is not receiving a redstone signal.
LockCraftingMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
The circumstances under which a pattern provider will lock further crafting.
LOGIC_PROCESSOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
LOGIC_PROCESSOR_PRESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
LOGIC_PROCESSOR_PRINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
LOW_SIGNAL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode


machine() - Method in interface
If present, it indicates the IActionHost of the source.
MACHINE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CpuSelectionMode
Only use for auto-crafting initiated by machines.
MachineUpgradesChanged - Interface in appeng.api.upgrades
MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
MAIN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AECreativeTabIds
MAP_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
MAP_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
We currently cannot directly use ItemStack.SINGLE_ITEM_CODEC since it is wrapped up in a lazy codec, which prevents the dispatch codec from recognizing it as a MapCodec, making it unable to inline the fields.
MAP_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
markForSave() - Method in interface
can be used by parts to trigger the block entity or part to save.
markForUpdate() - Method in interface
something changed, might want to send a packet to clients to update state.
matches(GenericStack) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Checks if the given stack has the same key as this.
matches(AEKey) - Method in interface
matches(AEKey, ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
matches(AEKey, FluidStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
matches(Ingredient) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
matches(ItemStack) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
matches(FluidStack) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
MATRIX_FRAME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
MATTER_BALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
MATTER_BALLS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
MATTER_CANNON - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
max(AECableSize, AECableSize) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
max(AECableType, AECableType) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
max(AECableVariant, AECableVariant) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
maxAmount() - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Returns the value of the maxAmount record component.
maxTickRate() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns the value of the maxTickRate record component.
maxX - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
maxY - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
maxZ - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
ME_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
ME_STORAGE - Static variable in class appeng.api.AECapabilities
ME_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for ME tunnels.
MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
MEDIUM_QUARTZ_BUD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
mediumVariant - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
The Variant of the color that is used to represent the color normally; as a RGB HEX Integer
meetsChannelRequirements() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNode
MEMORY_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
MEMORY_CARD_COLORS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Specifies a color code consisting of 8 colors to display on the memory card item.
MemoryCardColors - Record Class in appeng.api.implementations.items
Describes the custom colors to show o n a memory card item.
MemoryCardColors(AEColor, AEColor, AEColor, AEColor, AEColor, AEColor, AEColor, AEColor) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Creates an instance of a MemoryCardColors record class.
MemoryCardMessages - Enum Class in appeng.api.implementations.items
Status Results for use with IMemoryCard
Menu interactions - Search tag in package appeng.api.behaviors
MEStorage - Interface in
AE's Equivalent to IInventory, used to reading contents, and manipulating contents of ME Inventories.
METAL_INGOTS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Used by the quartz knife to decide which ingots can be crafted into nameplates, as well as the crafting recipe for cable anchors.
METEORITE_COMPASS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
min(AECableSize, AECableSize) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
min(AECableType, AECableType) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
min(AECableVariant, AECableVariant) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
minTickRate() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns the value of the minTickRate record component.
minX - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
minY - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
minZ - Variable in class appeng.api.util.AEAxisAlignedBB
MISSING_CONTENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
MISSING_CONTENT_AEKEY_DATA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
MISSING_CONTENT_ERROR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
MISSING_CONTENT_ITEMSTACK_DATA - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
MISSING_INGREDIENT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
Could not obtain one of the ingredients needed for the job.
missingItems() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
List of missing items if this is a simulation.
MOD - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SortOrder
MOD_ID - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEConstants
model(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.StorageCellModels
The ResourceLocation of the model used to render the given storage cell Item when inserted into a drive or similar.
models() - Static method in class appeng.api.client.StorageCellModels
A copy of all registered mappings.
ModNameProvider<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
Provides the mod name shown in the in-game tooltip.
ModSettings - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
MODULATE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
Perform the intended action.
MOLECULAR_ASSEMBLER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
mount(MEStorage) - Method in interface
mount(MEStorage, int) - Method in interface
mountInventories(IStorageMounts) - Method in interface
Allow the cell provider to make inventories available to the network by mounting them.
MULTIBLOCK - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
This block is part of a multiblock, used in conjunction with REQUIRE_CHANNEL, and IGridMultiblock see this interface for details.
multiplePaths() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
True there were multiple paths in the crafting tree, i.e.
multiplier - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
please do not edit this value, it is set when AE loads its config files.
multiply(double) - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
MYSTERIOUS_CUBE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds


name() - Method in record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Returns the value of the name record component.
NAME - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SortOrder
NAME_PRESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NAME_PRESS_NAME - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
The name inscribed by a NamePressItem
NameProvider<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
Provides the name shown in the in-game tooltip.
NETHER_QUARTZ_AXE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_HOE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_KNIFE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_PICK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_SHOVEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_SWORD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETHER_QUARTZ_WRENCH - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NETWORK_TOOL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
NetworkEmitterMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
NO - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.YesNo
NO_ACCESS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
NO_CONTROLLER - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ControllerState
No controller blocks are present in the network.
NO_CPU_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
Couldn't find any CPUs to execute this job.
NO_SUITABLE_CPU_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
None of the available CPUs are suitable to execute this job.
node - Variable in class
node - Variable in class
node - Variable in class
none() - Static method in class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
The blocks orientation cannot be changed.
none() - Static method in interface
NONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
Crafting is never locked.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.StorageFilter
NONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
NONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
No Cable present.
NONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
noop() - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PlacementStrategy
A placement strategy that simply does nothing.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
NORTH_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
NORTH_UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
NOT_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class
Stored something, but neither types nor totally full
NOT_FULL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ShowPatternProviders
Show pattern providers that are not hidden in pattern access terminal, and that were not full when the terminal was opened / the setting was set.
NOT_SO_MYSTERIOUS_CUBE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
nothing() - Static method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
notifyNeighborNow(Direction) - Method in interface
notify neighbors uf updated status on the given side of the host.
notifyNeighbors() - Method in interface
notify neighbors uf updated status.
notifyUser(Player, MemoryCardMessages) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.items.IMemoryCard
notify the user of a outcome related to the memory card.
NULLABLE_LIST_CODEC - Static variable in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack


of(ItemStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
of(BlockEntity, Direction) - Static method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICraftingMachine
of(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
of(Level, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICraftingMachine
of(Fluid) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
of(IFluidHandler.FluidAction) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
of(FluidStack) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
ofConnected() - Static method in interface
ofDisconnected() - Static method in interface
ofDisconnected(Component) - Static method in interface
offline() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns the value of the offline record component.
ofMachine(IActionHost) - Static method in interface
Create a source for a machine.
ofManagedNode(IManagedGridNode) - Static method in interface
Calculates a link status from a given managed grid node.
ofPlayer(Player) - Static method in interface
Create a source for a player.
ofPlayer(Player, IActionHost) - Static method in interface
Create a source for a player and optionally a machine too (the machine the request is happening through).
ofSimulate(boolean) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
onChange() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
Send a change notification manually, for example because the automatic notification was suppressed.
onClicked(Player, Vec3) - Method in interface
Called when you left click the part, very similar to Block.onBlockClicked a
onCraftableChange(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingWatcherNode
Called when a craftable status changes.
ONE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
onEntityCollision(Entity) - Method in interface
called when an entity collides with the bus.
onFirstTick(T, Consumer<? super T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridHelper
On the server side, schedule a call to the passed callback once the block entity is in a ticking chunk.
onGridChanged(T, IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener
called when the grid for the node has changed, the general grid state should not be trusted at this point.
onInWorldConnectionChanged(T, IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener
Called by the IGridNode when the visible connections for the node have changed, useful for cable.
onKeyTypeSelectionChanged(KeyTypeSelection) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection.Listener
onLevelEndTick(Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Called each tick for the network, allows you to have active network wide behaviors.
onLevelStartTick(Level) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Called each tick for the network, allows you to have active network wide behaviors.
onNeighborChanged(BlockGetter, BlockPos, BlockPos) - Method in interface
a block around the bus's host has been changed.
onOwnerChanged(T, IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener
Called by the IGridNode when the node's owner has changed.
onPlacement(Player) - Method in interface
Called when placed in the world by a player, this happens before addWorld.
onRequestChange(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingWatcherNode
Called when a crafting status changes.
onSaveChanges(T, IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener
Called by the IGridNode when it's persistent state has changed and the host needs to ensure it is saved.
onServerEndTick() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Called each tick for the network, allows you to have active network wide behaviors.
onServerStartTick() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Called each tick for the network, allows you to have active network wide behaviors.
onSettingChanged(IConfigManager, Setting<?>) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManagerListener
onShiftClicked(Player, Vec3) - Method in interface
Called when you shift-left click the part, very similar to Block.onBlockClicked
onStackChange(AEKey, long) - Method in interface
Called when a watched item changes amounts.
onStateChanged(T, IGridNode, IGridNodeListener.State) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener
Called when one of the node's state properties has changed.
onThresholdPass(IEnergyService) - Method in interface
Called when a threshold is crossed.
onUpdateShape(Direction) - Method in interface
The block state in a block adjacent to the part host may have changed.
onUpgradesChanged() - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.MachineUpgradesChanged
onUpgradesChanged(ItemStack, IUpgradeInventory) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.ItemUpgradesChanged
Called when the upgrades inserted into stack have changed.
onUseItemOn(ItemStack, Player, InteractionHand, Vec3) - Method in interface
Called when a player right-clicks the part with an item in hand.
onUseWithoutItem(Player, Vec3) - Method in interface
Called when a player right-clicks the part without an item in hand.
opaqueFacades - Variable in enum class
openChestGui(Player, IChestOrDrive, ICellHandler, ItemStack) - Method in interface
Called when the storage cell is placed in an ME Chest and the user tries to open the terminal side, if your item is not available via ME Chests simply tell the user they can't use it, or something, otherwise you should open your gui and display the cell to the user.
OPERATION_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
OperationMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
OPTIONAL_STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
OrientationStrategies - Class in appeng.api.orientation
Default implementations for IOrientationStrategy.
OrientationStrategies() - Constructor for class appeng.api.orientation.OrientationStrategies
OUTPUT_TEXT_CRAFTS - Static variable in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
The text to use when the pattern uses Vanilla crafting as its method of producing the item.
OUTPUT_TEXT_PRODUCES - Static variable in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
The text to use when the pattern uses some other form of processing to produce the output.
OutputMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
OVERLAY_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings


P2PTunnelAttunement - Class in appeng.api.features
A Registry for how p2p Tunnels are attuned
PAINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
part - Variable in class
selected part.
partChanged() - Method in interface
PartHelper - Class in
Part implementations - Search tag in package appeng.api.behaviors
PartModels - Class in
Allows registration of part models that can then be used in IPart.getStaticModels().
PartTooltips - Class in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
Add additional in-game tooltips for parts and integrate them automatically with any AE2 supported in-game tooltip mod (Jade, TOP, WTHIT).
PATTERN_ACCESS_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
PATTERN_ACCESS_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
PATTERN_ENCODING_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
PATTERN_PROVIDER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
PATTERN_PROVIDER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
PatternContainerGroup - Record Class in appeng.api.implementations.blockentities
Provides both a key for grouping pattern providers, and displaying the group in the pattern access terminal.
PatternContainerGroup(AEItemKey, Component, List<Component>) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Creates an instance of a PatternContainerGroup record class.
PatternDetailsHelper - Class in appeng.api.crafting
PatternDetailsHelper() - Constructor for class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
PatternDetailsTooltip - Class in appeng.api.crafting
Properties shown in the tooltip of an encoded pattern.
PatternDetailsTooltip(Component) - Constructor for class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
PatternDetailsTooltip.Property - Record Class in appeng.api.crafting
An additional property to display on the patterns tooltip, such as whether substitutions of items was enabled or not.
patternTimes() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
Map of each pattern to the number of times it needs to be crafted.
PERCENT_25 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
If an item with less than 25% durability is used as the filter, items with less than 50% durability are matched.
PERCENT_50 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
If an item with less than 50% durability is used as the filter, items with less than 50% durability are matched.
PERCENT_75 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
If an item with less than 75% durability is used as the filter, items with less than 75% durability are matched.
PERCENT_99 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
Matches items that have less than 100% durability (that is, at least 1 damage point) if a damaged item is used as the filter, or undamaged items otherwise.
percentage - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
Note this is percentage "damaged".
persist() - Method in interface
Tells the cell to persist to NBT.
PICKED_UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Result
The strategy picked something up successfully.
pickUpEntity(IEnergySource, PickupSink, Entity) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy
Pick up a given entity and place the result into the given pickup sink.
PickupSink - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
PickupStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Pickup strategies are used to pick up various types of game objects from within the world and convert them into a subtype of AEKey.
PickupStrategy.Factory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
PickupStrategy.Result - Enum Class in appeng.api.behaviors
PINK - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
PLACE_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
placeInWorld(AEKey, long, Actionable, boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PlacementStrategy
PlacementStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
PlacementStrategy.Factory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
placePartHost(Player, Level, BlockPos) - Static method in class
Tries placing a new part host at the given location as a player.
PlatformInventoryWrapper - Class in appeng.api.inventories
Wraps an inventory implementing the platforms standard inventory interface (i.e.
PlatformInventoryWrapper(IItemHandler) - Constructor for class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
playEmptySound(Player, AEKey) - Method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemContext
playEmptySound(Player, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
player() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Returns the value of the player record component.
player() - Method in interface
If present, AE will consider the player being the source for the action.
PLAYER_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CpuSelectionMode
Only use for auto-crafting initiated by players.
playFillSound(Player, AEKey) - Method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemContext
playFillSound(Player, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL - Static variable in interface appeng.api.features.HotkeyAction
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_FLUID_CELL64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL - Static variable in interface appeng.api.features.HotkeyAction
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PORTABLE_ITEM_CELL64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
postEvent(T) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
Post an event into the network event bus.
POWER - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener.State
The node's power status has changed (it either became powered or unpowered).
POWER_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.NetworkEmitterMode
POWER_UNITS - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
poweredExtraction(IEnergySource, MEStorage, AEKey, long, IActionSource) - Static method in class
Extracts items from a MEStorage respecting power requirements.
poweredExtraction(IEnergySource, MEStorage, AEKey, long, IActionSource, Actionable) - Static method in class
Extracts items from a MEStorage respecting power requirements.
poweredInsert(IEnergySource, MEStorage, AEKey, long, IActionSource) - Static method in class
Inserts items into a MEStorage respecting power requirements.
poweredInsert(IEnergySource, MEStorage, AEKey, long, IActionSource, Actionable) - Static method in class
Inserts items into a MEStorage respecting power requirements.
PowerMultiplier - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
PowerUnits - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
PREFERRED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
Causes paths through these nodes to be preferred.
preventTransition() - Method in class
Prevent the Spatial IO transition from happening.
PROCESSING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
progress() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns the value of the progress record component.
Property(Component, Component) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Creates an instance of a Property record class.
PROVIDE_POWER - Enum constant in enum class
informs the network this block entity is ready to provide power again.
provideServerData(Player, T, CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers.ServerDataProvider
PURIFIED_CERTUS_QUARTZ_CRYSTAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PURIFIED_FLUIX_CRYSTAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PURIFIED_NETHER_QUARTZ_CRYSTAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
PURPLE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
push(AEKey, long, Actionable) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackExportStrategy
Tries inserting into the adjacent inventory and returns the amount that was pushed.
pushInput(AEKey, long) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails.PatternInputSink
pushInputsToExternalInventory(KeyCounter[], IPatternDetails.PatternInputSink) - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
Gives the pattern a chance to reorder its inputs for pushing to external inventories (i.e.
pushPattern(IPatternDetails, KeyCounter[]) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
Instruct a provider to craft one of the patterns.
pushPattern(IPatternDetails, KeyCounter[], Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.ICraftingMachine
inserts a crafting plan, and the necessary items into the crafting machine.
putSetting(Setting<T>, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Change setting


QUANTUM_ENTANGLED_SINGULARITY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
QUANTUM_LINK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUANTUM_RING - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
quantumNetworkBridges() - Static method in class appeng.api.features.Locatables
QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_BRICKS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_CLUSTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_FIBER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
QUARTZ_FIXTURE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_GLASS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_PILLAR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_PILLAR_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_PILLAR_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_PILLAR_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_VIBRANT_GLASS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
QUARTZ_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds


RANDOM - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode
READ - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
READ_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
readBuffer(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, String, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, String, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
Reads the contents of this upgrade inventory from a subtag of the given compound tag.
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface
read from NBT
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface
Read the previously written NBT Data.
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
Only works after settings have been registered
readFromNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
readFromPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
readFromPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Attempts to load a key of this type from the given packet buffer.
readFromStream(FriendlyByteBuf) - Method in interface
read from stream
readFromStream(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in interface
read data from bus packet.
readKey(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
readOptionalKey(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
readTag(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
readVisualStateFromNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in interface
Used to store the state that is synchronized to clients for the visual appearance of this part as NBT.
RECEIVE_POWER - Enum constant in enum class
informs the network this block entity is ready to receive power again.
recolourBlock(Direction, AEColor, Player) - Method in interface appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.IColorableBlockEntity
RED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
REDSTONE_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
REDSTONE_CONTROLLED - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
REDSTONE_EMITTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
REDSTONE_P2P_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
REDSTONE_TUNNEL - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
The default tunnel part for redstone tunnels.
RedstoneMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
reduceOperationsRemaining(long) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
refreshGlobalStorageProvider(IStorageProvider) - Method in interface
Refreshes the storage mounts provided by a global storage provider.
refreshNodeCraftingProvider(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Refreshes the crafting mounts provided by a node through its ICraftingProvider.
refreshNodeStorageProvider(IGridNode) - Method in interface
Refreshes the storage mounts provided by a node through its IStorageProvider.
register(HotkeyAction, String) - Static method in interface appeng.api.features.HotkeyAction
register a new HotkeyAction under an id
register(EmiStackConverter) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.emi.EmiStackConverters
Registers a new EMI stack-converter for handling custom key types in the AE2 EMI addon.
register(IngredientConverter<?>) - Static method in class appeng.api.integrations.rei.IngredientConverters
Registers a new ingredient converter for handling custom key types in the AE2 JEI addon.
register(AEKeyType) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyTypes
Register a new storage channel.
register(AEKeyType, ExternalStorageStrategy.Factory) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ExternalStorageStrategy
register(AEKeyType, PickupStrategy.Factory) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy
register(AEKeyType, PlacementStrategy.Factory) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PlacementStrategy
register(AEKeyType, StackExportStrategy.Factory) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackExportStrategy
register(AEKeyType, StackImportStrategy.Factory) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackImportStrategy
register(AEKeyType, Class<T>, ContainerItemStrategy<T, ?>) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategies
register(AEKeyType, Class<T>, ContainerItemStrategy<T, ?>) - Static method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.ContainerItemStrategy
register(AEKeyType, Class<T>, AEKeyRenderHandler<T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.AEKeyRendering
register(AEKeyType, Long) - Static method in class appeng.api.behaviors.GenericSlotCapacities
register(Class<? super T>, Class<T>) - Static method in class appeng.api.networking.GridServices
Register a new grid service for use during operation, must be called during the loading phase.
register(ItemLike, IGridLinkableHandler) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.GridLinkables
Register a handler to link or unlink stacks of a given item with a network.
register(Level, long, T) - Method in class appeng.api.features.Locatables.Type
Registers a locatable with a given unique key.
register(BlockCapability<T, C>, ICapabilityProvider<P, C, T>, Class<P>) - Method in class
Expose a capability for a part class.
registerAttunementApi(ItemLike, ItemCapability<?, Void>, Component) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
Attunement based on the ability of getting a capability from the item.
registerAttunementTag(ItemLike) - Static method in class appeng.api.features.P2PTunnelAttunement
Attunement based on the standard item tag: <tunnel item namespace>:p2p_attunements/<tunnel item path>
registerBlockEntityBaseClasses(BaseClassRegistration) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipProvider
Allows an addon to register additional block entity base-classes that benefit from default AE2 tooltip providers.
registerClient(ClientRegistration) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipProvider
Called on clients to register providers that supply tooltip data.
registerCommon(CommonRegistration) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipProvider
Called on both dedicated servers and clients to register providers for server-data.
registerContext(BlockCapability<T, C>, Function<C, Direction>) - Method in class
When using capabilities with a context other than Direction, you need to register a mapping function for AE2 to get the side from the context.
registerDecoder(IPatternDetailsDecoder) - Static method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsHelper
registerModel(ItemLike, ResourceLocation) - Static method in class appeng.api.client.StorageCellModels
Register a new model for a storage cell item.
registerModels(Collection<ResourceLocation>) - Static method in class
Allows registration of part models that can then be used in IPart.getStaticModels().
registerModels(ResourceLocation...) - Static method in class
RegisterPartCapabilitiesEvent - Class in
RegisterPartCapabilitiesEvent() - Constructor for class
registerSetting(Setting<T>, T) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManagerBuilder
used to initialize the configuration manager, should be called for all settings.
registries() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
REGISTRY_KEY - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
registryPrefix - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
A convenient ID prefix for use with registering color variants of items and blocks.
RelativeDirection - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
RelativeSide - Enum Class in appeng.api.orientation
remove(double) - Method in interface
Remove a specific threshold from the watcher.
remove(AEKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IStackWatcher
Remove a specific AEKey from the watcher.
remove(AEKey, long) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
removeAll(KeyCounter) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
removeFacade(IPartHost, Direction) - Method in interface
Removed the facade on the given side, or does nothing.
removeFromWorld() - Method in interface
called when your part is being removed from the world.
removeGlobalStorageProvider(IStorageProvider) - Method in interface
removeItems(int, ItemStack, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
removeItems(int, ItemStack, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
removeNode(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Informs the grid service, that a node was removed from the grid.
removePart(IPart) - Method in interface
Removes a specific part from this host and returns if the part was actually present and removed.
removePartFromSide(Direction) - Method in interface
Removes the part on the side, this doesn't drop it or anything, if you don't do something with it, its just "gone" and its never coming back; think about it.
removeSimilarItems(int, ItemStack, FuzzyMode, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
For fuzzy extract, we will only ever extract one slot, since we're afraid of merging two item stacks with different damage values.
removeSimilarItems(int, ItemStack, FuzzyMode, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
For fuzzy extract, we will only ever extract one slot, since we're afraid of merging two item stacks with different damage values.
removeZeros() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
renderDynamic(float, PoseStack, MultiBufferSource, int, int) - Method in interface
Render dynamic portions of this part, as part of the cable bus TESR.
repath() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.pathing.IPathingService
trigger a network reset, booting, path-finding and all.
replacePart(IPartItem<T>, Direction, Player, InteractionHand) - Method in interface
Replace an existing part on the specific side with a new one.
REPORT_MISSING_ITEMS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CalculationStrategy
If the exact requested amount cannot be crafted, create a ICraftingPlan containing the missing items.
requestUpdate(IManagedGridNode) - Static method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingProvider
This convenience method can be used when the crafting options or emitable items have changed to request an update of the crafting service's cache.This only works if the given managed grid node provides this service.
requestUpdate(IManagedGridNode) - Static method in interface
This convenience method can be used to request an update of the mounted storage by the storage provider.
REQUIRE_CHANNEL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
import/export buses, terminals, and other devices that use network features, will use this setting.
requireCableConnection() - Method in interface
A solid IPartModel indicates that the rendering requires a cable connection, which will also result in creating an intersection for the cable.
requiredPower - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
requiredPower() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.spatial.ISpatialService
requireDynamicRender() - Method in interface
return true only if your part require dynamic rendering, must be consistent.
reset() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy
Resets any lock-out caused by throttling of the pickup strategy.
reset() - Method in interface
Removes all thresholds and resets the watcher to a clean state.
reset() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IStackWatcher
Removes all watched stacks and resets the watcher to a clean state.
reset() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
resultingRotate(Direction) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
returnToMainMenu(Player, ISubMenu) - Method in interface
Returns to the primary user interface for this host.
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
rotate(Direction) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
rotateClockwiseAround(Direction) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
rotateClockwiseAround(Direction.Axis, Direction.AxisDirection) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
ROUNDROBIN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode
run(Player) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.HotkeyAction
Handles the hotkey action on the server-side.


SAME - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
continue at current rate.
saveChanges() - Method in interface
Cell has changed and needs to be persisted.
saveNodeData(IGridNode, CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridServiceProvider
Save provider-specific data for the given node to the given tag.
saveToNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
this should be called for each node you maintain, you can save all your nodes to the same tag with different names, if you fail to complete the load / save procedure, network state may be lost between game load/saves.
SCHEDULING_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
SchedulingMode - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
SEARCH_TOOLTIPS - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
SELECTED_COLOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Which paint item is currently selected in a color applicator.
SelectedPart - Class in
Reports a selected part from the IPartHost
SelectedPart() - Constructor for class
SelectedPart(IFacadePart, Direction) - Constructor for class
SelectedPart(IPart, Direction) - Constructor for class
selectPartLocal(Vec3) - Method in interface
Finds the part located at the position in block-local coordinates (0,0,0 is located at the block pos).
selectPartWorld(Vec3) - Method in interface
Same as IPartHost.selectPartLocal(Vec3), but with world instead of local coordinates.
SEMI_DARK_MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
sendChangeNotification(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
Forces a change notification to any listeners for the given slot.
serverData() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Returns the value of the serverData record component.
ServerDataProvider<T> - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.providers
set(AEKey, long) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
setEnabled(AEKeyType, boolean) - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
setEnabledSet(List<AEKeyType>) - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
setExposedOnSides(EnumSet<Direction>) - Method in interface
Change sides on the cables node.
setExposedOnSides(Set<Direction>) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Changes the sides of the node's host this node is exposed on.
setFacing(BlockState, Direction) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingStrategy
setFacing(BlockState, Direction) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
setFacing(BlockState, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
setFlags(GridFlags...) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
setFromString(IConfigManager, String) - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
setFuzzyMode(ItemStack, FuzzyMode) - Method in interface
sets the setting on the cell.
setGridColor(AEColor) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Colors can be used to prevent adjacent grid nodes from connecting.
setIdlePowerUsage(double) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
setInverted(boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
setInWorldNode(boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Changes whether this node can be discovered by other nodes in-world via the position of its owner and the sides exposed via IManagedGridNode.setExposedOnSides(Set).
setItemDirect(int, ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
Puts the given stack in the given slot and circumvents any potential filters.
setItemDirect(int, ItemStack) - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
setOn(BlockEntity) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
Changes the orientation of the given block entity to this, if possible.
setOn(Level, BlockPos) - Method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
Changes the orientation of the block at the given position/level to this, if possible.
setOperationsRemaining(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackTransferContext
setOrientation(BlockState, Direction, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
setOrientation(BlockState, Direction, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
setOutputMethod(Component) - Method in class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip
setOwningPlayer(Player) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Same as IManagedGridNode.setOwningPlayerId(int), but resolves the numeric player ID automatically.
setOwningPlayerId(int) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
tell the node who was responsible for placing it, failure to do this may result in in-compatibility with the security system.
setPart(ServerLevel, BlockPos, Direction, Player, IPartItem<T>) - Static method in class
Place or replace a part at the given position and side.
setPartHostInfo(Direction, IPartHost, BlockEntity) - Method in interface
called by the Part host to keep your part informed.
setSpin(BlockState, int) - Method in class appeng.api.orientation.FacingWithSpinStrategy
setSpin(BlockState, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
setStack(int, GenericStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
setSuppressed(boolean) - Method in interface
Set to true to indicate this generator is supressed by another on the same energy grid.
setTagName(String) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Changes the name of the NBT subtag in the host's NBT data that this node's data will be stored as.
Setting<T> - Class in appeng.api.config
Setting(String, Class<T>) - Constructor for class appeng.api.config.Setting
Setting(String, Class<T>, EnumSet<T>) - Constructor for class appeng.api.config.Setting
Settings - Class in appeng.api.config
SETTINGS_CLEARED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
SETTINGS_LOADED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
SETTINGS_RESET - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
SETTINGS_SAVED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
setUp(BlockState, Direction) - Method in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
setVisualRepresentation(AEItemKey) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Sets an itemstack that will only be used to represent this grid node in user interfaces.
setVisualRepresentation(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Shortcut for IManagedGridNode.setVisualRepresentation(AEItemKey) based on an ItemStack.
setVisualRepresentation(ItemLike) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IManagedGridNode
Shortcut for IManagedGridNode.setVisualRepresentation(AEItemKey) based on an ItemLike.
setWatchAll(boolean) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IStackWatcher
Request that ALL changes be broadcast to this watcher.
showNetworkInfo(UseOnContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.INetworkToolAware
Return false to suppress the default network tool behavior when it is used on this block entity or part.
ShowPatternProviders - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
side - Variable in class
side the part is mounted too, or null for cables.
SIGNAL_PULSE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode
SILICON - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SILICON_PRESS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SILICON_PRINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SIMULATE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
Pretend to perform the action.
simulateAdd(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
simulateAdd(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
simulateRemove(int, ItemStack, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
simulateRemove(int, ItemStack, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
simulateSimilarRemove(int, ItemStack, FuzzyMode, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
simulateSimilarRemove(int, ItemStack, FuzzyMode, Predicate<ItemStack>) - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.ItemTransfer
simulation() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
True if some things were missing and this is just a simulation.
SINGULARITY - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
SINGULARITY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
size() - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.GenericInternalInventory
size() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
size() - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
size() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGrid
size() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.KeyCounter
size() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
SKY_DUST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SKY_STONE_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_BRICK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_CHEST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_SMALL_BRICK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_SMALL_BRICK_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_SMALL_BRICK_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_SMALL_BRICK_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_TANK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SKY_STONE_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SLEEP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
same as idle, but also puts the node to sleep.
sleepDevice(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.ticking.ITickManager
disables ticking for your device.
SLOT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.stacks.AmountFormat
Display the summary with the regular font, for example "1.23K" instead of 1234.
SLOT_LARGE_FONT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.stacks.AmountFormat
Display the summary with a large font, for example "1.2K" instead of 1234.
SLOWER - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
decrease the tick rate marginally.
SMALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
SMALL_QUARTZ_BUD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMART - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Connections to this block should render as smart.
SMART - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
SMITHING_TABLE_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_QUARTZ_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_SKY_STONE_BLOCK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_SKY_STONE_CHEST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_SKY_STONE_SLAB - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_SKY_STONE_STAIRS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SMOOTH_SKY_STONE_WALL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SORT_BY - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
SORT_DIRECTION - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
SortDir - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
SortOrder - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
SOUTH_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
SOUTH_UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
SPATIAL_128_CELL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_16_CELL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_2_CELL_COMPONENT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_ANCHOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SPATIAL_BLACKLIST - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AETags
Contains blocks that are blacklisted from being moved in and out of spatial storage.
SPATIAL_CELL_128 - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_CELL_16 - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_CELL_2 - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPATIAL_IO_PORT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
SPATIAL_PLOT_INFO - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
SPATIAL_PYLON - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
spatialEnergyUsage - Variable in class
The energy in AE units needed to perform this transition.
spatialIoLevel - Variable in class
The level in which the Spatial I/O block entity triggering this transition is located.
spatialIoPos - Variable in class
The block position at which the Spatial I/O block entity triggering this transition is located.
SPEED_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
SPIN - Static variable in interface appeng.api.orientation.IOrientationStrategy
StackExportStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Strategy to export stacks into adjacent blocks from the grid.
StackExportStrategy.Factory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
StackImportStrategy - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Strategy to import from adjacent blocks into the grid.
StackImportStrategy.Factory - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
StackTransferContext - Interface in appeng.api.behaviors
Context for import and export bus transfer operations.
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class
STASH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
STASH_TO_PLAYER_INV - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
statusDescription() - Method in interface
Gives a reason for why the host is disconnected.
statusDescription() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the statusDescription record component.
STONECUTTING_PATTERN - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORABLE_AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LevelEmitterMode
storableInStorageCell() - Method in interface
Allows you to specify if this storage cell can be stored inside other storage cells, only set this for special items like the matter cannon that are not general purpose storage.
storage - Variable in class
STORAGE - Static variable in interface appeng.api.inventories.ISegmentedInventory
Identifies the sub-inventory used locally by the machine to store items.
STORAGE_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
STORAGE_CELL_16K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORAGE_CELL_1K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORAGE_CELL_256K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORAGE_CELL_4K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORAGE_CELL_64K - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
STORAGE_CELL_CONFIG_INV - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Defines partitioning for a storage cell.
STORAGE_CELL_FUZZY_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Defines the fuzzy mode for a storage cell.
STORAGE_CELL_INV - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Content of a storage cell.
STORAGE_FILTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
STORAGE_MONITOR - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
StorageCell - Interface in
Represents the most general possible cell inventory.
StorageCellModels - Class in appeng.api.client
A registry for 3D models used to render storage cells in the world, when they are inserted into a drive or similar machines.
StorageCells - Class in
Storage Cell Registry, used for specially implemented cells, if you just want to make a item act like a cell, or new cell with different bytes, you should probably consider implementing IBasicCellItem on your item instead.
StorageFilter - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
StorageHelper - Class in
STORED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ViewItems
STORED_AMOUNT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.LevelEmitterMode
STORED_ENERGY - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Currently stored energy in AE in this item.
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
STREAM_CODEC - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
submitJob(ICraftingPlan, ICraftingRequester, ICraftingCPU, boolean, IActionSource) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingService
Submit the job to the Crafting system for processing.
successful() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingSubmitResult
sum(GenericStack, GenericStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
SupplierStorage - Class in
Delegates all calls to a MEStorage returned by a supplier such that the underlying storage can change dynamically.
SupplierStorage(Supplier<MEStorage>) - Constructor for class
supportsBuses() - Method in interface
does this cable support buses?
supportsFuzzyRangeSearch() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
True to indicate that this type of AEKey supports range-based fuzzy search using AEKey.getFuzzySearchValue() and AEKey.getFuzzySearchMaxValue().
supportsFuzzyRangeSearch() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
True to indicate that the AEKey class used by this storage channel supports range-based fuzzy search using AEKey.getFuzzySearchValue() and AEKey.getFuzzySearchMaxValue().
supportsPushInputsToExternalInventory() - Method in interface appeng.api.crafting.IPatternDetails
symbolName - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
unlocalized name for the power unit's symbol used to display values.


TALL - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
TERMINAL_SETTINGS - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
TERMINAL_SHOW_PATTERN_PROVIDERS - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
TERMINAL_STYLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
TerminalStyle - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
textComponent() - Method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
tick() - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.ItemMenuHost
Gives the item hosting the GUI a chance to do periodic actions when the menu is being ticked.
tickingRequest(IGridNode, int) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.ticking.IGridTickable
AE lets you adjust your tick rate based on the results of your tick, if your block as accomplished work you may wish to increase the ticking speed, if your block is idle you may wish to slow it down.
TickingRequest - Record Class in appeng.api.networking.ticking
Describes how your grid node ticking is executed.
TickingRequest(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
TickingRequest(int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Creates an instance of a TickingRequest record class.
TickingRequest(TickRates, boolean) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
TickRateModulation - Enum Class in appeng.api.networking.ticking
TINTINDEX_BRIGHT - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
The tint index that can normally be used to get the bright variant of the apprioriate AE color.
TINTINDEX_DARK - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
The tint index that can normally be used to get the dark variant of the apprioriate AE color.
TINTINDEX_MEDIUM - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
The tint index that can normally be used to get the medium variant of the apprioriate AE color.
TINTINDEX_MEDIUM_BRIGHT - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
The tint index that can normally be used to get a color between the medium and bright variant of the apprioriate AE color.
TINY_TNT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
toContainer() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
toEmiStack(GenericStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.emi.EmiStackConverter
Converts a generic stack into an EmiStack subtype handled by this converter.
toGenericStack(EmiStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.integrations.emi.EmiStackConverter
Converts an EmiStack handled by this converter into a generic stack.
TOGGLE_BUS - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEPartIds
toItemHandler() - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.BaseInternalInventory
toItemHandler() - Method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
toItemHandler() - Method in class appeng.api.inventories.PlatformInventoryWrapper
tooltip() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Returns the value of the tooltip record component.
TooltipBuilder - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
Abstraction for building an in-game tooltip for mods like WAILA, Jade, WTHIT, and others.
TooltipContext - Record Class in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
TooltipContext(CompoundTag, Vec3, Player) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Creates an instance of a TooltipContext record class.
TooltipProvider - Interface in appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip
Implement this in your addon to register additional block entity tooltips using AE2's abstraction over Jade/WTHIT/TOP.
tooSmall() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns the value of the tooSmall record component.
TOP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
top1() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the top1 record component.
top2() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the top2 record component.
top3() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the top3 record component.
top4() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns the value of the top4 record component.
toStack() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
toStack(int) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
toStack(int) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class appeng.api.config.Setting
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardColors
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.integrations.igtooltip.TooltipContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickingRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
toString() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
toString() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
toString() - Method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
toString() - Method in class appeng.api.util.DimensionalBlockPos
toTag(HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
toTag(HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
toTag(HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Serialized keys MUST NOT contain keys that start with #, because this prefix can be used to add additional data into the same tag as the key.
toTagGeneric(HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Same as AEKey.toTag(HolderLookup.Provider), but includes type information so that AEKey.fromTagGeneric(HolderLookup.Provider, CompoundTag) can restore this particular type of key withot knowing the actual type beforehand.
totalItems() - Method in record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingJobStatus
Returns the value of the totalItems record component.
transfer(StackTransferContext) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackImportStrategy
transfer(StackTransferContext, AEKey, long) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.StackExportStrategy
Transfer from the network inventory in to the external inventory this strategy was created for.
translationKey - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Unlocalized name for color.
TRANSPARENT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
transparentFacades - Variable in enum class
TRASH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
tryCast(AEKey) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKeyType
Does this key belong to this storage channel.
tryPickup(IEnergySource, PickupSink) - Method in interface appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy
type - Variable in class
Type() - Constructor for class appeng.api.features.Locatables.Type
TYPE_FIELD - Static variable in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
TYPES_FULL - Enum constant in enum class
Available types exhausted


UNDECIDED - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.YesNo
unlink(ItemStack) - Method in interface appeng.api.features.IGridLinkableHandler
Unlink the given stack from any previously linked grid.
unlocalizedName - Variable in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
unlocalized name for the power unit.
unregister(Level, long) - Method in class appeng.api.features.Locatables.Type
Unregisters any locatable that has the given key.
UnsuitableCpus - Record Class in appeng.api.networking.crafting
Details about unsuitable crafting CPUs unavailable for a job.
UnsuitableCpus(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for record class appeng.api.networking.crafting.UnsuitableCpus
Creates an instance of a UnsuitableCpus record class.
UnsupportedSettingException - Exception Class in appeng.api.util
Thrown if ConfigManager is used with a Setting that was not previously registered.
UnsupportedSettingException(String) - Constructor for exception class appeng.api.util.UnsupportedSettingException
unwrapItemStack(ItemStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
UP_EAST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
UP_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
UP_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
UP_WEST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
updateWatcher(IEnergyWatcher) - Method in interface
provides the IEnergyWatcher for this host, for the current network, is called when the hot changes networks.
updateWatcher(IStackWatcher) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingWatcherNode
provides the watcher for this host, for the current network, is called when the hot changes networks.
updateWatcher(IStackWatcher) - Method in interface
provides the watcher for this host, for the current network, is called when the hot changes networks.
UpgradeInventories - Class in appeng.api.upgrades
Utilities for creating upgrade inventories.
Upgrades - Class in appeng.api.upgrades
Manages available upgrades for AE machines, parts and items.
UPGRADES - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
An upgrade inventory.
UPGRADES - Static variable in interface appeng.api.inventories.ISegmentedInventory
Identifies the sub-inventory that contains installed upgrades.
URGENT - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
changes the tick rate to the minimum tick rate.
usedItems() - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingPlan
List of items that were used.
usePartItem(UseOnContext) - Static method in class
When implementing a custom part in an addon, you can use this method in Item.useOn( of your parts item (if you're not using AE2s internal PartItem class) to implement part placement.


VALID_COLORS - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
VALIDCABLES - Static variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
value() - Method in record class appeng.api.crafting.PatternDetailsTooltip.Property
Returns the value of the value record component.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CopyMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CpuSelectionMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.FullnessMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.IncludeExclude
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.LevelEmitterMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ModSettings
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.NetworkEmitterMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.OperationMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.OutputMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ShowPatternProviders
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SortDir
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SortOrder
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.StorageFilter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ViewItems
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.YesNo
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CalculationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ControllerState
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.stacks.AmountFormat
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.behaviors.PickupStrategy.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.Actionable
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CondenserOutput
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CopyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.CpuSelectionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.FullnessMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.FuzzyMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.IncludeExclude
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.LevelEmitterMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.LockCraftingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ModSettings
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.NetworkEmitterMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.OperationMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.OutputMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerMultiplier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.PowerUnits
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.RedstoneMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.RelativeDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SchedulingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ShowPatternProviders
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SortDir
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.SortOrder
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.StorageFilter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.TerminalStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.ViewItems
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.config.YesNo
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.implementations.items.MemoryCardMessages
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CalculationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.crafting.CraftingSubmitErrorCode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.GridFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.IGridNodeListener.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ControllerState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.networking.ticking.TickRateModulation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.orientation.RelativeSide
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.stacks.AmountFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableVariant
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
variant() - Method in enum class appeng.api.util.AECableType
VIBRATION_CHAMBER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
VIEW_CELL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
VIEW_MODE - Static variable in class appeng.api.config.Settings
ViewItems - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
VISIBLE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ShowPatternProviders
Show pattern providers that are not hidden in pattern access terminal.
visitConnection(IGridConnection) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridConnectionVisitor
Called for each connection on the network.
visitNode(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.IGridVisitor
Called for each node on the network.
VOID_CARD - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds


wakeDevice(IGridNode) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.ticking.ITickManager
enables ticking for your device, undoes a sleepDevice call.
WEST_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
WEST_NORTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
WEST_SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
WEST_UP - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.orientation.BlockOrientation
what() - Method in record class appeng.api.behaviors.EmptyingAction
Returns the value of the what record component.
what() - Method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
Returns the value of the what record component.
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
WHITELIST - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.IncludeExclude
whiteVariant - Variable in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
Lightest Variant of the color, nearly white; as a RGB HEX Integer
WIRELESS_ACCESS_POINT - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEBlockIds
WIRELESS_BOOSTER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
WIRELESS_CRAFTING_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
WIRELESS_LINK_TARGET - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
Encodes the link between a wireless item and a wireless access point.
WIRELESS_RECEIVER - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
WIRELESS_TERMINAL - Static variable in interface appeng.api.features.HotkeyAction
WIRELESS_TERMINAL - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
Working with inventories - Search tag in package appeng.api.behaviors
wrapExternal(Level, BlockPos, Direction) - Static method in interface appeng.api.inventories.InternalInventory
wrapForDisplayOrFilter() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
wrapForDisplayOrFilter() - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Wraps a key in an ItemStack that can be unwrapped into a key later.
wrapInItemStack(GenericStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
wrapInItemStack(AEKey, long) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
WRAPPED_GENERIC_STACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEItemIds
WRAPPED_STACK - Static variable in class appeng.api.ids.AEComponents
The generic stack wrapped in a AEItems.WRAPPED_GENERIC_STACK
WRENCH - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.ActionItems
WRENCH_DISASSEMBLE - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.AEToolActions
An action that is triggered by right-clicking a supported block or part, which will disassemble that block or part into its item form.
WRENCH_ROTATE - Static variable in class appeng.api.features.AEToolActions
An action that is triggered by shift-right-clicking a supported block or part, which will rotate that part.
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.AccessRestriction
writeBuffer(GenericStack, RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
writeKey(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
writeOptionalKey(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf, AEKey) - Static method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
Writes a generic, nullable key to the given buffer.
writeTag(HolderLookup.Provider, GenericStack) - Static method in record class appeng.api.stacks.GenericStack
writeToNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in interface appeng.api.networking.crafting.ICraftingLink
write the link to an NBT Tag
writeToNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in class appeng.api.util.KeyTypeSelection
writeToNBT(CompoundTag, String, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in class appeng.api.implementations.menuobjects.DelegateItemUpgradeInventory
writeToNBT(CompoundTag, String, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.upgrades.IUpgradeInventory
Reads the contents of this upgrade inventory from a subtag of the given compound tag.
writeToNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface
write nbt data
writeToNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface
Write the part information for saving.
writeToNBT(CompoundTag, HolderLookup.Provider) - Method in interface appeng.api.util.IConfigManager
write all settings to the NBT Tag so they can be read later.
writeToPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in record class appeng.api.implementations.blockentities.PatternContainerGroup
writeToPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEFluidKey
writeToPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEItemKey
writeToPacket(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in class appeng.api.stacks.AEKey
writeToStream(FriendlyByteBuf) - Method in interface
write to stream
writeToStream(RegistryFriendlyByteBuf) - Method in interface
Write variable data that should be synchronized to clients to the synchronization packet.
writeVisualStateToNBT(CompoundTag) - Method in interface
Used to store the state that is synchronized to clients for the visual appearance of this part as NBT.


X2 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Double capacity per cable.
X3 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Triple capacity per cable.
X4 - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.networking.pathing.ChannelMode
Quadruple capacity per cable.


YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.util.AEColor
YES - Enum constant in enum class appeng.api.config.YesNo
YesNo - Enum Class in appeng.api.config
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