Class GridServices


public final class GridServices extends Object
A registry of grid services to extend grid functionality.
  • Method Details

    • register

      public static <T extends IGridServiceProvider> void register(Class<? super T> publicInterface, Class<T> implClass)
      Register a new grid service for use during operation, must be called during the loading phase.

      AE will automatically construct instances of the given implementation class by looking up a constructor. There must be a single constructor.

      The following constructor parameter types are allowed:

      • Other grid services public interfaces (see interfaces extending IGridService).
      • IGrid, which will be the grid that the service is being constructed for.
      publicInterface - The public facing interface of the grid service you want to register. This class or interface will also be used to query the service from any grid via IGrid.getService(Class).
      implClass - The class used to construct the grid service for each grid. Must have a single constructor.