Interface IInWorldGridNodeHost

public interface IInWorldGridNodeHost
Implement to create a networked BlockEntity. Must be implemented for a block entity to be available for in-world connection attempts by adjacent grid nodes.

Must be provided via the AECapabilities.IN_WORLD_GRID_NODE_HOST capability.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default AECableType
    getCableConnectionType(net.minecraft.core.Direction dir)
    Determines how cables render when they connect to this block.
    @Nullable IGridNode
    getGridNode(net.minecraft.core.Direction dir)
    get the grid node for a particular side of a block, you can return null, by returning a valid node later and calling updateState, you can join the Grid when your block is ready.
  • Method Details

    • getGridNode

      @Nullable @Nullable IGridNode getGridNode(net.minecraft.core.Direction dir)
      get the grid node for a particular side of a block, you can return null, by returning a valid node later and calling updateState, you can join the Grid when your block is ready.
      dir - feel free to ignore this, most blocks will use the same node for every side.
      a IGridNode, create these with IAppEngApi.instance().createGridNode( MyIGridBlock )
    • getCableConnectionType

      default AECableType getCableConnectionType(net.minecraft.core.Direction dir)
      Determines how cables render when they connect to this block. Priority is Smart > Covered > Glass
      dir - direction