Interface ICraftingPlan

public interface ICraftingPlan
Result of a crafting job calculation. Do not edit any of the map/lists, they are exposed directly!
  • Method Details

    • finalOutput

      GenericStack finalOutput()
      Final output of the job.
    • bytes

      long bytes()
      Total bytes used by the job.
    • simulation

      boolean simulation()
      True if some things were missing and this is just a simulation.
    • multiplePaths

      boolean multiplePaths()
      True there were multiple paths in the crafting tree, i.e. at least one item had multiple patterns that could produce it.
    • usedItems

      KeyCounter usedItems()
      List of items that were used. (They would need to be extracted to start the job).
    • emittedItems

      KeyCounter emittedItems()
      List of items that need to be emitted for this job.
    • missingItems

      KeyCounter missingItems()
      List of missing items if this is a simulation.
    • patternTimes

      Map<IPatternDetails,Long> patternTimes()
      Map of each pattern to the number of times it needs to be crafted. Can be used to retrieve the crafted items: outputs * times.