Interface ICraftingMachine

public interface ICraftingMachine
Provides crafting services to adjacent pattern providers for automatic crafting. Can be provided via capability on your block entity.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    check if the crafting machine is accepting pushes via pushPattern, if this is false, all calls to push will fail, you can try inserting into the inventory instead.
    Describe how this machine is displayed invalid input: '&' grouped in the pattern access terminal.
    static @Nullable ICraftingMachine
    of(@Nullable blockEntity, net.minecraft.core.Direction side)
    static @Nullable ICraftingMachine
    of( level, net.minecraft.core.BlockPos pos, net.minecraft.core.Direction side)
    pushPattern(IPatternDetails patternDetails, KeyCounter[] inputs, net.minecraft.core.Direction ejectionDirection)
    inserts a crafting plan, and the necessary items into the crafting machine.
  • Method Details

    • of

      @Nullable static @Nullable ICraftingMachine of(@Nullable @Nullable blockEntity, net.minecraft.core.Direction side)
    • of

      @Nullable static @Nullable ICraftingMachine of( level, net.minecraft.core.BlockPos pos, net.minecraft.core.Direction side)
    • getCraftingMachineInfo

      PatternContainerGroup getCraftingMachineInfo()
      Describe how this machine is displayed invalid input: '&' grouped in the pattern access terminal.
    • pushPattern

      boolean pushPattern(IPatternDetails patternDetails, KeyCounter[] inputs, net.minecraft.core.Direction ejectionDirection)
      inserts a crafting plan, and the necessary items into the crafting machine.
      inputs - The crafting ingredients. The array layout corresponds to IPatternDetails.getInputs() of patternDetails.
      if it was accepted, all or nothing.
    • acceptsPlans

      boolean acceptsPlans()
      check if the crafting machine is accepting pushes via pushPattern, if this is false, all calls to push will fail, you can try inserting into the inventory instead.
      true, if pushPattern can complete, if its false push will always be false.