Interface ICraftingSimulationRequester

public interface ICraftingSimulationRequester
The source of a crafting simulation request. This allows the crafting simulation to keep track of the current grid across multiple ticks to simulate item extraction or to explore more patterns. Returning null in one of the functions will just prevent extraction or exploration of patterns, likely leading to an unsuccessful ICraftingPlan.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    @Nullable IActionSource
    Return the current action source, used to extract items.
    default @Nullable IGridNode
    Return the current grid node, used to access the current grid state.
  • Method Details

    • getActionSource

      @Nullable @Nullable IActionSource getActionSource()
      Return the current action source, used to extract items.
    • getGridNode

      @Nullable default @Nullable IGridNode getGridNode()
      Return the current grid node, used to access the current grid state.