All Classes and Interfaces

Mutable stand in for Axis Aligned BB, this was used to prevent GC Thrashing..
Contains Block ids for various blocks defined by Ae2.
Utility class that holds the capabilities provided by AE2.
List of all colors supported by AE, their names, and various colors for display.
Contains various global constants
IDs of the AE2 creative tabs.
Contains Item ids for various items defined by Ae2.
Uniquely identifies something that "stacks" within an ME inventory.
Client-side rendering of AE stacks.
Registry for AEKeyRenderHandler.
Defines the properties of a specific subclass of AEKey.
AE2's registry of all known key types.
Contains Item ids for various cable bus parts defined by AE2.
Tags that AE uses for functional purposes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Check for the standard #forge:tools/wrench tag instead.
Allows add-ons to notify AE2 of their BlockEntity classes that do derive from AE2 block entity classes.
Implementation aid for InternalInventory that ensures the platorm adapter maintains its referential equality over time.
To blacklist blocks or block entities from being moved in and out of spatial storage, see the blacklist tag for blocks.
All possible rotations for a fully orientable block.
Defines how AE2's channel capacities work.
Manages ContainerItemStrategy registrations for key types.
Strategy to interact with the non-item keys held by container items, for example the fluid contained in a bucket.
Controls for which types of crafting requests a crafting CPU is available to be automatically selected.
Gives a reason for why submitting the crafting job failed.
The default strategy for moving block entities in/out of spatial storage.
Represents a location in the Minecraft Universe
Implement this interface to provide AE2s EMI integration with a new way to convert between AE2 GenericStack and EmiStack.
Register your EmiStackConverter instances for JEI here.
Describes the action of emptying an item into the storage network.
Implements a strategy that allows blocks to be oriented using a single directional property.
Extends FacingStrategy to also allow the block to be rotated around its facing axis.
Abstraction layer over the "generic" (meaning that it can accept any AEKey in each slot) inventory used by various AE2 devices.
Allows custom key types to define slot capacities for pattern providers and interfaces.
Represents some amount of some generic resource that AE can store or handle in crafting.
Posted by the network when the booting status of the network goes up or down, the change is reflected via IGridNode.isActive() Note: Most machines just need to check IGridNode.isActive()
Posted by storage devices to inform AE the channel cache that the included node has changed its mind about its channel requirements.
An event send from the statistics grid once something about a chunk changes.
A chunk was added to the area this network spans.
A chunk was removed to the area this network spans.
Event posted when the networks controller state changes, this can be from no controller to 1 controller, or any time the network changes from conflicted to not conflicted.
Part of AE's Event Bus.
Various flags to determine network node behavior.
A helper responsible for creating new IGridNode, connecting existing nodes, and related features.
A registry for items that can be linked to a specific network using for example the security station's user interface.
Implementers of a IGridBlock must post this event when your getIdlePowerUsage starts returning a new value, if you do not post this event the network will not change the idle draw.
Posted when the Grid loses power or is powered again.
informs the network, that a IAEPowerStorage block that had either run, out of power, or was full, is no longer in that state.
A registry of grid services to extend grid functionality.
An event that is posted whenever a spatial IO is active.
An event send from the statistics grid.
Implements a strategy that allows blocks to be oriented using a single directional property.
Hotkey actions are server-side actions, that are triggered by customizable hotkeys on the client.
The source of any action.
Basically the same as IAEPowerStorage, but for items.
Used to access information about AE's various power accepting blocks for monitoring purposes.
Marker interface for a menu stored in a crafting container used by autocrafting.
Implement this on any item to register a "basic cell", which is a cell that works similarly to AE2's own item and fluid cells.
A strategy for moving block entities in and out of spatial storage.
Implemented on the IParts cable objects that can be placed at the center of IPartHosts.
This interface is used by the ME Chest to open the appropriate GUI when a storage cell is inserted into the chest, and the player right-clicks the terminal screen on the chest.
Implementations of this interface provide AE2 with a way to interact with storage cells that may be represented by arbitrary ItemStack
Used to adjust settings on an object,
Implemented by various block entities or parts in AE
Provides the icon shown in the in-game tooltip.
Provides crafting services to adjacent pattern providers for automatic crafting.
Allows a node to provide crafting patterns and emitable items to the network.
The source of a crafting simulation request.
A node that is notified of changes to the currently crafting items in the network.
Crank/Crankable API,
AE's Power system.
Used Internally.
Implemented on AE2 facade items.
Used Internally.
Gives you access to Grid based information.
Access to AE's internal grid connections.
Handles the linking of items to specific grids when they're put into the wireless access point linking slot.
An extension of IGridHost, only means something when your getFlags() contains REQUIRE_CHANNEL, when done properly it will call the method to get a list of all related nodes and give each of them a channel simultaneously for the entire set.
Gives you a view into a Nodes connections and information.
Interface that allows a grid node to notify it's host about various events.
Gives a reason for why the active state of the node might have changed.
Base interface for services that can be provided by IGridNodes.
Allows you to create a network wise service, AE2 uses these for providing item, spatial, and tunnel services.
Allows you to create a grid-wide service.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Implement on IGridHosts which want to use AE's Network Ticking Feature.
Simple Visitor pattern access to network nodes.
Implement to create a networked BlockEntity.
Describes the current connection status of a ITerminalHost to the grid.
This interface is intended for the host that created this node.
Memory Card API AE's Memory Card Item Class implements this interface.
Implemented on Item objects, to return objects used to manage, and interact with the contents.
Implemented by all screen like parts provided by AE.
Implement on block entity or part to suppress the default network tool behavior.
Implement this interface to provide AE2s REI integration with a new ingredient type converter for use in: Recipe transfers Pressing R/U on custom stacks in AE2 user interfaces Dragging ghost items of custom types from REI to AE2 interfaces
Register your IngredientConverter instances for JEI here.
This stragegy is used when a player views the tooltip of an encoded pattern that failed to decode properly.
Implemented on many of AEs blocks to control their orientation.
Specifies how a block determines its orientation and stores it in the blockstate.
Implemented on AE's block entities.
When implementing a custom part, you must create an item to both represent the part in NBT and Packet data, and to actually place the part onto the bus.
A container to store a collection of ResourceLocation as models for a part as well as other properties.
Passively provide power to the system.
Provides services related to channel-allocation and a grid's controller.
Information about a pattern for use by the autocrafting system.
Allows mod to decode their IPatternDetails from their item stacks.
Maintains a save specific list of userids and username combinations this greatly simplifies storage internally and gives a common place to look up and get IDs for the security framework.
Obtained via IMenuItem getMenuHost
This is intended for use on the client side to provide details to WAILA.
Tells the cell provider that changes have been made and the cell must be persisted
Allows access to specific segments of a machines inventory.
Implemented on a Item
Implemented on a Item
The Storage monitor is a IPart located on the sides of a IPartHost
Provides IStorageProvider with a convenient way to control the storage they provide to the network.
Allows you to provide storage to the grid's storage system.
Grid-wide storage services for all AEKeyType.
A node that is notified of changes to the currently stored items in the network.
Implemented by objects that open a menu, which then opens a submenu.
Base interface for an adapter that connects an item stack in a player inventory with a menu that is opened by it.
Models item transfer that lets the target inventory handle where items are placed into or extracted from.
Callback for upgrade inventories crated through UpgradeInventories.forItem(, int).
The network tick manager.
Counterpart for IUpgradeableObject, but for Item.
Implemented by block entities and parts that are upgradable through upgrade cards.
This specialized inventory can be used to insert and extract upgrade cards into AE2 machines.
Associates a generic value of type T with AE keys and makes key/value pairs searchable with fuzzy mode semantics.
Helper class to store the selection of key types.
Implemented on block entities or parts that have a key type selection.
A Registry for locatable items, works based on serial numbers.
The circumstances under which a pattern provider will lock further crafting.
Describes the custom colors to show o n a memory card item.
Status Results for use with IMemoryCard
AE's Equivalent to IInventory, used to reading contents, and manipulating contents of ME Inventories.
Provides the mod name shown in the in-game tooltip.
Provides the name shown in the in-game tooltip.
Default implementations for IOrientationStrategy.
A Registry for how p2p Tunnels are attuned
Allows registration of part models that can then be used in IPart.getStaticModels().
Add additional in-game tooltips for parts and integrate them automatically with any AE2 supported in-game tooltip mod (Jade, TOP, WTHIT).
Provides both a key for grouping pattern providers, and displaying the group in the pattern access terminal.
Properties shown in the tooltip of an encoded pattern.
An additional property to display on the patterns tooltip, such as whether substitutions of items was enabled or not.
Pickup strategies are used to pick up various types of game objects from within the world and convert them into a subtype of AEKey.
Wraps an inventory implementing the platforms standard inventory interface (i.e.
Reports a selected part from the IPartHost
Strategy to export stacks into adjacent blocks from the grid.
Strategy to import from adjacent blocks into the grid.
Context for import and export bus transfer operations.
Represents the most general possible cell inventory.
A registry for 3D models used to render storage cells in the world, when they are inserted into a drive or similar machines.
Storage Cell Registry, used for specially implemented cells, if you just want to make a item act like a cell, or new cell with different bytes, you should probably consider implementing IBasicCellItem on your item instead.
Delegates all calls to a MEStorage returned by a supplier such that the underlying storage can change dynamically.
Describes how your grid node ticking is executed.
Abstraction for building an in-game tooltip for mods like WAILA, Jade, WTHIT, and others.
Implement this in your addon to register additional block entity tooltips using AE2's abstraction over Jade/WTHIT/TOP.
Details about unsuitable crafting CPUs unavailable for a job.
Thrown if ConfigManager is used with a Setting that was not previously registered.
Utilities for creating upgrade inventories.
Manages available upgrades for AE machines, parts and items.